Your campaign has been marked as inappropriate
from: 38 Degrees <>
date: 5 Mar 2025, 12:48
subject: Your campaign has been marked as inappropriate
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: Important according to Google magic.
A 38 Degrees site administrator has flagged your campaign "The Security Services should not use social media to terrorise the people" as inappropriate. Your campaign has been hidden from other users on the site.
A site admin said...
38 Degrees is independent of all political parties, and we are working towards the following vision: A fairer country - A country where everyone gets a fair chance in life. Where the place we were born, or the area we live in, doesn’t decide that chance. Where it’s not ‘one rule for them’, and another for the rest of us. A more respectful country - A country where we're respectful of each other. Where we focus on what we have in common with one another, rather than what divides us. And where we are not afraid to have discussions or disagree, because we treat one another with kindness. A more sustainable world - A place where we all take personal responsibility in what we do big and small to protect our environment, and we hold big companies and our government to account for their role in saving our planet. We reserve the right to remove any campaigns or comments that do not share these values. We reserve the right to remove any petition which we judge to promote illegal acts, hatred, violence, discrimination or stereotypes based on race, gender, ethnicity, sexuality, disability, nationality or religion. Campaigns may not explicitly promote political parties. We reserve the right to edit or remove a petition if we judge its main purpose is to promote or oppose a political party, or candidate. Campaigns should be relevant to everyone, whether or not they are members or supporters of a particular political party, which means 38 Degrees is not the place to settle political party in-fighting. You can read our full terms and conditions here:
Edit your petition to correct this issue.
The 38 Degrees Team
38 Degrees WANTS INTERACTION TO COVER UP: WILL NOT ALLOW IT. For there is no escape for the State persecutors at the Security Services of M15/M16 who will be required to give full evidence from the very beginning of the terrorism on me and my family.
Ariel just messaged you
from: Ariel Bayo via LinkedIn <>
to: Shantanu Panigrahi <>
date: 5 Mar 2025, 12:52
subject: Ariel just messaged you
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Shantanu Panigrahi
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Ariel Bayo
Business Consultant and former Financial Assessor
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Notification from The Conservative Lib
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12:27 (49 minutes ago)
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John Morrison Commented On a Post
Hi Shantanu Panigrahi,
John Morrison commented on a post "The World's Spiritual Teachers who help guide souls" in the forum, The Conservative Lib.
El mundo de los fortnite esports ha crecido exponencialmente en los últimos años, atrayendo tanto a jugadores profesi...
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John Morrison
John Morrison
El mundo de los fortnite esports ha crecido exponencialmente en los últimos años, atrayendo tanto a jugadores profesionales como a fanáticos de todo el mundo. Con torneos internacionales, premios millonarios y emocionantes competiciones, Fortnite se ha consolidado como un referente en los deportes electrónicos, ofreciendo acción y estrategias únicas en cada partida.
Donald Trump considers withdrawing from NATO
in Global Outlook
Conservative Libertarians believe that USA relinquishing leadership of NATO will lead to a more peaceful world where money is spent on good things rather than weapons of mass destruction.

13.40 pm (UK-Time) 05 March 2025
Notification from Daily Bulletin
from: Daily Bulletin <>
reply-to: Daily Bulletin <>
to: Shantanu Panigrahi <>
date: 5 Mar 2025, 15:14
subject: Notification from Daily Bulletin
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Akhtar Ali Soomro Answered Your Question
Hi Shantanu Panigrahi,
Akhtar Ali Soomro answered your question in the forum Daily Bulletin:
I have seen some great stuff here. Worth bookmarking for revisiting. I surprise how much effort you put to create suc...
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Shantanu Panigrahi
Oct 12, 2021
in Questions & Answers
Words are just words that we have inherited from past generations of human beings. They are open to different interpretations as suits a particular raison d’etre. When one is living in the freedom of satya-advaita yoga, one necessarily makes up new words as one goes along or adapt old words to meet a particular requirement of what one is trying to express. It is in this context that my books are to be read and the readers have to form their own opinions on whether I have been crystal clear on what I have thought about relating to my experiences of life over the past 24 years. I am of course open to providing any clarifications needed on the basis of my actions at any particular point in time and how I have expressed those in the 13 Books that I have written in the Series under the theme, ‘The Allurement of Reality’. But I hope that now such clarifications would be necessary or me be called upon to answer. I wish to let my books do the talking. This is because I am not a very good speaker in public, and even in the creation of Videos that I attempted over the past year to develop my websites. I am good at writing. For I allow truth to just flow into my mind at the appropriate time and this creates the works that I have been producing.
So in what context am I using the words Samadhi and Mahasamadhi. I wish to make it clear at this point in time. For me Samadhi started on completion of my Book Truth-accommodation (Satya-advaita) and I stared writing the book ‘Post-realisation Musings’. They were semi-conscious assessment of the knowledge that I had gained and the missing data that I needed to be searched for still in order for me to arrive at a comprehension on the Conception of Reality, the first book under the theme ‘The Allurement of Reality’ that I had started writing in 2004 when I came out of the mental hospital for the first time. It grew and grew into what it is today. I had tried to consider numerous times during these years that I had had total Realisation, even my elder sister in India had pointed to this in one of her utterances to me, but it turned out not to be the case. When can Realisation be complete when one does not what there is to Realise. It had to be awaited with patience. And I formulated a plan of self-discovery to try and get to it. This was to have a framework where I hypothesised that everything in the universe is pre-ordained and pre-orchestrated, so there was God having set the universe in motion in a particular manner; the best bhakti that I could approach God with was to discover my own fate within the Grand Design, and this was latterly over the past 15 months or so done through losing all attachments, and acting nonchalantly, spontaneously and unpremeditatedly in all my moment by moment actions as the only karma that I would engage in that could with certainty be then described as sanatan dharma, that is to say karma in sanatan dharma.
When I seemed to be surviving the persecution that was vitriolic against me in conducting myself in this manner I was picking up evidence of Dharma Rakshati Rakshita as being the eternal law of the universe, and this has not changed at the moment that I am writing this account at 10.37 am on the 12 of October 2021.
Akhtar Ali Soomro
Akhtar Ali Soomro
I have seen some great stuff here. Worth bookmarking for revisiting. I surprise how much effort you put to create such a great informative website. Your work is truly appreciated around the clock and the globe. discuter avec des inconnus en ligne
Landline Phone rang at 3.25 pm and 3.30 pm
Notification from Daily Bulletin
from: Daily Bulletin <>
reply-to: Daily Bulletin <>
to: Shantanu Panigrahi <>
date: 5 Mar 2025, 15:59
subject: Notification from Daily Bulletin
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jojoakon577 Answered Your Question
Hi Shantanu Panigrahi,
jojoakon577 answered your question in the forum Daily Bulletin:
Dieser Artikel ist eine anziehende Flut aufschlussreicher Aufzeichnungen, die gut und gut gemacht sind. Ich sehe soli...
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Dieser Artikel ist eine anziehende Flut aufschlussreicher Aufzeichnungen, die gut und gut gemacht sind. Ich sehe solide Schlüsselstellen für Sie in diesem Bereich und danke für diese Informationen. Sie haben das Zeug dazu, wirklich gut da zu stehen und mit Sicherheit gefunden zu werden. goethe zertifikat kaufen
The Satan evil State-authorities want me to react to these two comments in any way at all to spare the blushes of the morons in 38 Degrees and LinkedIn, as well as PayPal and the rest. Will not oblige.
Last Updated: 16.21 pm (UK-Time) 05 March 2025