APPEAL: CA-2023-000750
from: Shantanu Panigrahi <>
to: Civil Appeals - Registry <>
date: 17 Aug 2024, 15:56
subject: APPEAL: CA-2023-000750
Justices on Duty this weekend
The Court of Appeal
Your Honour
Stripe is due to close the Account of The Conservative Libertarian Publications Limited on Monday 19 August 2024, with all negotiations failing to reach a settlement of the Dispute.
Please issue an immediate emergency injunction to stop Stripe carrying out this procedure, pending the detailed consideration of the Case at a Hearing as set out.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
The Conservative Libertarian Publications Limited incorporating TCLP-UK
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
United Kingdom
Tel: 07967789619
---------- Forwarded message ---------Fwd: Your recent question for Stripe about Disputes
From: Shantanu Panigrahi <>
Date: Sat, 17 Aug 2024 at 13:53
Subject: Re: Your recent question for Stripe about Disputes
To: Stripe Support <>
As from the very next day Stripe has been the subject of my complaint that you have acted deceitfully and duplicitously in conspiracy with the State authorities, including Kent Police and the County Court of Central London officials and with others to scupper the prospects of a legitimate Political Party the TCLP-UK; this latest interception when I explicitly said to Stripe that I did not wish to enter into any direct discussions with Stripe on the matter following weeks of the false-pretences deliberations by Stripe must be resolved in the Court of Appeal under APPEAL PROCEEDINGS AT THE COURT OF APPEAL: CA-2023-000750 wherein I will produce my detailed evidence of the criminal conspiracy against my Company to the Judge at a Hearing of this Appeal.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
United Kingom
Tel: 07967789619
On Sat, 17 Aug 2024 at 13:40, Stripe Support <> wrote:
Hi Dr Shantanu,
Thanks for writing back, and I appreciate you sharing the additional details about your business.
However, we do have to impose strict limits on the types of businesses we can and can't support. We're unable to work with any business that we believe poses elevated financial risk, or violates our own policies. In this case, after a thorough review of your account, we have determined that your business falls within these guidelines.
That said, I can assure you that we have done a thorough review of your account, and we will be unable to reverse our decision. We are unable to provide any further details regarding the reason for your account's closure in order to protect our processes.
These regulations are firm, and I’m afraid we don’t have flexibility with them.
I apologize that we weren't able to offer you a better experience, and wish you the best of luck with your business.
For more information on the types of businesses we are unable to support, please visit:
I hope the above information helps, though please let me know if you have any additional clarification. I’m always here to assist.
All the best,
--------------- Original Message ---------------
From: Shantanu Panigrahi []
Sent: 08/17/2024, 5:13 AM
Subject: Re: Your recent question for Stripe about Disputes
Dear Stripe
If you recall, I gave it in writing to Stripe that whilst I wished for full and permanent restoration of the Account of The Conservative Libertarian Publications Limited at Stripe, your decision in the matter is final, whether or not Kent Police has been approached by Stripe before issuing to me the present clarification of your position.
I will run my JOIN IT Account ( ) with donations only since I have completed all the contractually-necessary Onboarding with Stripe engaged. This means that the technicalities of Stripe's arrangement with JOIN IT should be such that my Membership Account remains intact so that I can keep it permanently active.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
United Kingdom
Tel: 07967789619
On Sat, 17 Aug 2024 at 12:05, Stripe Support <> wrote:
Hi Shantanu,
Thanks for reaching out and for sending that additional context over to me. I understand you have concerns regarding the status of your account. Allow me to give some information about this.
For a brief context, we are required to follow strict guidelines on the types of businesses we can and can't support. We're unable to work with any business that we believe poses elevated financial risk, legal liability, or violates our own policies; in this case, after a thorough review of your account, we have determined that your business falls within these categories.
That said and upon reviewing your account, we’re very sorry, but as previously stated, your business falls under our list of Restricted Businesses and Activities in our Services Agreement:
We understand that moving your business away from Stripe can take time. To help with the transition, we will give you until August 19, 2024 to switch your business to a new provider.
During this period, you can process payments and receive payouts as normal. After this date, your account will no longer be able to process payments. We will continue making payouts to your bank account until you receive all of your funds.
We wish you the best of luck with your business.
In case you have any additional clarification about this email, please feel free to let me know. I’d be glad to help.
All the best,
--------------- Original Message ---------------
From: []
Sent: 08/17/2024, 3:05 AM
Subject: Your recent question for Stripe about Disputes
Stripe should now direct its communications to Force Control Kent date: with reference to my email of 17 Aug 2024, 09:45.
I will not engage in direct discussions until Kent Police has confirmed that the reported criminal conspiracy against my Company is closed.
Shantanu Panigrahi
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date: 17 Aug 2024, 15:56
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