from: Shantanu Panigrahi <>
to: Civil Appeals - Registry <>
date: 30 Nov 2024, 08:01
subject: APPEAL PROGRESSION ON CA-2023-000750
The Court of Appeal
Dear Sir/Madam
I just noted that the Automatic Response from the Civil Appeals Registry says not to reply to it as it will not be viewed. So I published my email in Daily Bulletin, tweeting it and posting it in United Kingdom as a Republic so that I can send a fresh communication to the Court of Appeal with an explanatory note:
So let me clarify. The nature of civil proceedings requires a litigant or an Appellant to keep track of his/her communications and refer to them to maintain continuity in developments and there was no other way for me to do so given the importance of early intervention from the Court that I am seeking. This is all the more important when the Court has not replied to the initial submission as in my case.
n connection with this Appeal Your Honour would need also to know that the proceedings or failure thereof for the Medway County Court (J00ME572 Claim) and the County Court of Central London (E35YM660 Claim) to discharge the responsibilities on the primary litigation and now its Appeal at the Court of Appeal is a subject that is being petitioned on at the House of Commons Petition Committee with a view to review the entire Judicial and Law Enforcement processes of the State of the United Kingdom and on which I am due to receive a communication from the Committee at any time, as linked here:
Finally, I have given an undertaking to Stripe (Payments UK) Bank that I should be able to furnish to the Bank details of the legitimacy of The Conservative Libertarian Party of the United Kingdom (TCLP-UK) so that the Bank can review its banking support to The Conservative Libertarian Publications Limited here:
Accordingly, I should be grateful if on this Saturday morning the Duty Justices would attend to this communication in the interest of justice and send me an acknowledgment by email to this clarification provided for the benefit of all parties concerned in the Dispute.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
United Kingdom
Tel: 07967789619