from: Shantanu Panigrahi <>
to: ComplaintsTeam <>
date: 3 Feb 2025, 05:48
subject: Re: Auto-Reply
Hello Complaints Team
1. I look forward to hearing from you within the next five working days as indicated. Please be sure to clarify what the law is concerning promoting a Republican Party within the Constitutional Monarchy of the United Kingdom in your assessment. By promoting I mean drawing the attention of my correspondents to the following two Membership websites, using the promotional tool shown here:
''Just to let you know:
(a) We are the Conservative Libertarians (UK):
We need 15 volunteering members to act as officials for the Party to enable us to complete our registration with the Electoral Commission.
If you are able and willing to assist us, we can waive the Membership Fee.
(b) With your developing knowledge and expertise you may also be interested in listing yourself in this Directory of Conservative Libertarians:
Best wishes
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Tel: 07967789619
On Mon, 3 Feb 2025 at 05:22, Complaints Team <> wrote:
Thank you for contacting the Corporate Complaints Team at the Solicitors Regulation Authority.
We will decide who is best placed to deal with your concerns, and will let you know in the next five working days.
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Corporate Complaints Team
Solicitors Regulation Authority/ Awdurdod Rheoleiddio Cyfreithwyr
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