Clarification of the Duty Solicitor Scheme
from: Shantanu Panigrahi <>
to: Ravina Karir <>,,,,
Katie Field DC 46015060 <>
date: 11 Jun 2023, 08:02
subject: Clarification of the Duty Solicitor Scheme
Olives Solicitors
Dear Ravina
For long I had been delusional as to how the system of Duty Solicitors works in Police Stations and had taken the matter to the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) for examination. Their final report is attached for your information: S2 Dr PanigrahiSRAFinalReport.pdf.
I had questioned it to the Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution as linked here: Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution approached ( but it has not said anything further on the matter so that this SRA Final Report stands.
In the meantime, I had sought the recruitment of a private solicitor to help me through the bail hearing on Sunday 18 June 2023, 5 pm, and court proceedings as linked here: Final Resolution (, but it too has kept silent over representing me with the proceedings.
Further, I have not received a reply from the Law Society to the attached correspondence: ToLawSociety(How the Find a Solicitor Works)9Jun2023.docz.
So this morning, I have to apologise to Olives Solicitors that in my delusional uncertainties (I am a mental patient as you know) on what the SRA have said is the Duty Solicitor Scheme of the government I had terminated my relationship with Olives Solicitors.
It is obvious that I need a solicitor to represent me with Kent Police and the Courts in reference to the allegations of offences said that I am suspected of having committed and so I now wish to restore this arrangement in accordance with the 19 April 2023 letter that Olives Solicitors sent me now that I understand the matter clearly as attached: FrOlives Solicitorsletter19April2023.docx.
I look forward to hearing from Olives Solicitors as soon as it has some information from Kent Police regarding the voluntary interview or the Bail Hearing.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shamtamu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
United Kingdom
Tel: 07967789619
• Scanned by Gmail
S2 Dr PanigrahiSRAFinalReport.pdf
ToLawSociety(How the Find a Solicitor Works)9Jun2023.docz
FrOlives Solicitorsletter19April2023.docx :