[Confidential] Your complaint about Stripe Payments UK Limited (Our ref:PNX-5264338-J6D2)
from: Shantanu Panigrahi <shanpanigrahi3000@gmail.com>
date: 25 Nov 2024, 10:49
subject: Re: [Confidential] Your complaint about Stripe Payments UK Limited (Our ref:PNX-5264338-J6D2)
mailed-by: gmail.com
Dear Sirs
I am a mental patient and unable to furnish such complicated materials for you to progress your complaint assessment: You should have asked this from Stripe itself: Please consider:
Kent and Medway
NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust
Medway Community Mental Health Team
Britton House
Britton Farm
High Street
Kent ME7 1AL
T: 0300 303 3189
Our Ref: CMHT/EO
Date: 12 September 2024
Dr E Uweseba
Long Catlis Road Surgery
Parkwood Health Centre
Long Catlis Road
Dear Dr Uwuseba
Mr Shantanu Panigrahi
NHS Number: 628 477 1487 Date of birth: 8 Aug 1957
Primary Address: 3 Hoath Lane, Gillingham, Kent, ME8 0SL
I had a tele consult with Mr Shantanu on the 4th of September 2024. I am glad to report that he is a lot better in his mental health than he has been for a pretty long time. He is a lot more relaxed and accepting in his manner. He tells me that the major part of his worry is being resolved. His appetite is good and he sleeps for about 4-5 hrs at night but has a few naps during the day. He is taking his meds as prescribed and seem to be getting better results with the current regimen. He has not reported any side effect and willing to continue with the treatment. He lives with his family, currently unemployed and survives on benefits. He smokes about 10 cigarettes a day, struggling to quit and takes alcohol sparingly. He has not reported any symptom of his illness.
On mental state examination, he sounded reasonably okay, more that he had been in the past year. He engaged very well and speech was normal and coherent. He sounded euthymic in his mood. He appeared to be in stable mental state. He showed some good insight into his illness and he need to take meds and demonstrated capacity to give informed consent on this treatment. No expression of suicidal thoughts or violence. I have not made any changes and he will be reviewed again in 6 months.
Yours sincerely
Dr Emmanuel Oranusi, consultant psychiatrist
Medway Community Mental Health Team
cc. Emmanuel Oranusi (Care Coordinator/Lead Professional)
Freephone for the Samaritans: 116 123
Whatever you’re going through, call us free at any time, from any phone on 116 123.
We’re here round the clock, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you need a response immediately, it’s best to call us on the phone. This number is FREE to call. You don’t have to be suicidal to call us. Call us now on 116 123
www.livewellkent.org.uk – 0800 567 7699
Mental Health Matters – 0800 107 0160
Samaritans – 116 123
NHS – 111
GP and out of hours GP services
Urgent Mental Health Helpline – 0800 783 9111
How are we doing?
To complete our online survey please visit www.kmpt.nhs.uk/prem
For further details about how your personal data is managed by the organisation please visit
We are proud to be smoke free
Trust Chair: Dr Jackie Craissati
Chief Executive: Sheila Stenson
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
United Kingdom
Tel: 07967789619
On Mon, 25 Nov 2024 at 10:18, complaint.info@financial-ombudsman.org.uk <complaint.info@financial-ombudsman.org.uk> wrote:
Our ref
Your ref
Dear Dr Panigrahi
Your complaint about Stripe Payments UK Limited
In order for us to progress your complaint can you kindly confirm the following;
-Official name of business
-Number of employees
-Annual turnover
-Balance Sheet
Kind regards
Sumayyah Akuji | Customer Help | 0800 023 4 567
Financial Ombudsman Service | Exchange Tower, London, E14 9SR
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This email was sent from Financial Ombudsman Service Ltd. Registered in England and Wales. Registered Number: 3725015. Registered Office: Exchange Tower, London, E14 9SR, United Kingdom.
Thank you for contacting the Financial Ombudsman Service
date: 25 Nov 2024, 10:49
subject: Thank you for contacting the Financial Ombudsman Service
Signed by: financial-ombudsman.org.uk
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: Important mainly because it was sent directly to you.
Thank you for contacting the Financial Ombudsman Service, we are a free service set up to resolve disputes with financial businesses, like banks or insurance companies.
We’re helping a lot of customers at the moment, so I’m sorry we won’t be able to reply straight away.
If you’re contacting us about a new complaint
You can find out more about the things we can help with on our website – where you can also use our complaint checker tool to see if your complaint is one we can look at.
If we can help, we will get back to you within 7 days. Due to the volume of enquiries we receive, we are only able to reply to those customers we can help.
If you already have a complaint with us
We’ll contact you once your complaint is with a case-handler.
However, if you’re experiencing serious financial or health problems, or need to speak to someone urgently, please call us on 0800 023 4567.
If we are not able to help you
We can only look at complaints about financial businesses (like banks, insurance companies and finance firms). We can’t help with other complaints – for example, about phone and utility companies, council tax or legal services. Please look at our website for more information about other organisations that may be able to help – but they are completely separate from the Financial Ombudsman Service
And just to remind you again, if we can help, we will get back to you within 7 days.
Financial Ombudsman Service
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