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Shantanu Panigrahii's Daily Bulletin

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Writer's picture: Shantanu PanigrahiShantanu Panigrahi


from:    Shantanu Panigrahi <>

to:          KentCPO <>

date:     20 Dec 2024, 17:24





Medway Magistrates Court


Dear Magistrates


1. Since my Trial for a Speeding Offence on 10 November 2023 at Medway Magistrates Court in which I was to cite mitigating factor of Hate Crime Criminality against me and getting me convicted under false pretences, I reported to the Magistrates Court that I have been the victim of a criminal conspiracy between Court Officials mainly at Medway County Court and those that I have litigated against in accordance with the Particulars of Claim attached: Particulars of Damages and Compensation J00ME572 at Medway County Court in Dr Shantanu Panigrahi v Kent Police).pdf.



3. I must have consulted around 80 lawyers since 1998 but to this day no one was available to assist me, including my colleague at LinkedIn and her friend as attached: CRUCIAL TIME-digital.pdf.


4. Please reconsider the Trial and Conviction accordingly.


Yours sincerely


Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

United Kingdom

Tel: 07967789619


 2 attachments  • Scanned by Gmail

(a) Particulars of Damages and Compensation J00ME572 at Medway County Court in Dr Shantanu Panigrahi v Kent Police).pdf

(b) CRUCIAL TIME-digital.pdf:



Particulars of Damages and Compensation J00ME572 at Medway County Court in Dr Shantanu Panigrahi v Kent Police


This Claim is brought to the Medway County Court against Kent Police (and by extension the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom) and co-conspirators (officials in His Majesty’s Court and Tribunal Service, Lawyers, the Legal Ombudsman, Financial Services Ombudsman, Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman and the Independent Office for Police Conduct) on the following chargesheet against this Police Force:


(a) protecting criminals on my submission of Internet Complaint hate crime by Phands and MI5/MI6: £250,000;

(b) protecting criminals on the Shell Tribunal matter: £5,000;

(c) protecting criminals in the UKIP proceedings matter: £1000;

(d) protecting criminals in University of Greenwich legalities matter - back pay

£30,000*26 years on 20 October 2022: £780,000;

(e) protecting criminals in the National Health Service directed crimes against me: £1,000,000;

(f) protecting criminals in the AuthorhouseUK book publication matter: £3,000;

(g) protecting the Legal Ombudsman, Financial Serviceman Ombudsman Solicitors Regulation Authority, from criminal activities against me with regard to numerous lawyers and Banks and the NHS that I complained: £200,000;

(h) Dover capture by Kent Police in 2004 to incarcerate me in a mental hospital without due reason: £5,000,000;

(i) capturing me at home and under handcuffs returning me to the mental hospital from where I had lawfully absconded: £1,000,000;

(j) pointless prosecutions of speeding offence that I was collecting money to discharge in January 2017 and booking the Speed Awareness Course in October 2022: £1,000,000;

(k) protecting court officials who gave me an unjustified criminal record with the processing of the speeding offence at Medway Magistrates Court: £1,000,000;

(l) protecting the Labour Party in its hate crime of denying me my membership rights to submit

Motions, and Questions to the Prime Minister: £1,000,000;

(m) protecting the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Conservative Prime Ministers including Mr Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak who obstructed and perverted the course of justice against the Claimant in Claim E35YM660 of the Central London County Court: £1,000, 000;

(n) protecting the Prosecutor at the International Criminal Court for thwarting justice in Claim No Court Reference: OTP-CR-76/22: £100,000;

(o) protecting the Norway membership of the Security Council from bringing the submissions of the Claimant to the attention of the Security Council, the General Assembly of the United Nations and the Secretary General of the United Nations: £1,000,000;

(p) protecting internet service providers in unfairly and criminally suspending two of the Claimant's Blogs and

(q) Framing false allegations of harassment and stalking by me against Katrina Sale, BP, IOPC, educational establishments, staff of BLM Law that it knew I had nothing to do with and that it was organised by the State Security Services within the UK and in the United States of America; false arrest and confiscation of our family computer and Mobile Phone devices: £1,000,000;

(r) protecting criminals of BP, ASDA, Sainsburys, Moto and Tesco for denying me employment unfairly: £1,000,000;

(s) protecting Lulu Publishing that disabled my book publishing programme of ‘The Allurement of Reality without giving me a chance to rectify any errors that it found questionable on the 88 eBooks and print books: £1,000,000;

(t) protecting PAYPAL, Santander Bank and Barclays Bank for fraudulent activities on my Bank Account: £500,000;

(u) protecting the Samaritans, Charity Commission and the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman for covering up the hate crimes by Victims of Panigrahi Association (VOPA), a unit of the Security Services: £1,000,0000;

(v) protecting Stripe Payments (UK) for deceitful and duplicitous dealings to withhold banking support to VishistaAdvaitaSampradaya(TCLS/TCLP-UK) of my Company The Conservative Libertarian Publications Limited: £1,000,000;

(w) protecting the Tech Giants LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook of terroristic harassment on me over several years: £1,000,000;

(x) protecting Internet Website Company that discredited and defamed me without an explanation by disabling my website  £2,000,000; and

(y) protecting JONATHAN BRADLEY, Sole practice law practice, for inflicting terroristic attack on me by email that required immediate investigation by Kent Police: £1,000,000.

(z) refusal to investigate the matter of the criminal manipulation of the Claimant’s petitions to the House of Commons Petition Committee (£1,000,000)


Summary of Claim Amount:


The total amount claimed from United Kingdom Treasury for damages listed above is the tip of the iceberg: with the continued terrorism suffered by the Claimant the monetary value of the compensation Claim cannot be measured, but the Claimant now submits that £300 million is justified.




Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

United Kingdom


07.33 am (UK-Time) 10 December 2024



 In LinkedIn:


Emeka Ikeanumba sent the following messages at 4:04 PM

View Emeka’s profile Emeka Ikeanumba

Emeka Ikeanumba (He/Him) 4:04 PM

A friend of mine will assist me set up a gofundme to enable me to raise my outstanding fees. I have barely 9" days to complete it or risk losing my certificate and my immigration status. Can you assist sir, in any way?

Shantanu Panigrahi

Shantanu Panigrahi (He/Him) 4:35 PM

I have credit card debts as I am only a pensioner and also have legal fees that I have to find money for as attached: see FrStripe(The Conservative Libertarian Publications LimitedReviewContinues)20Dec2024.docx.



FrStripe(The Conservative Libertarian Publications LimitedReviewContinues)20Dec2024.docx 19 KB:

The Conservative Libertarian Publications Limited's Verification Status at Stripe


Stripe Support

Fri, 20 Dec at 14:19

Hi Shantanu,

I wanted to let you know that we're currently reviewing your account and will be back in touch as soon as we have an update.



--------------- Original Message ---------------

From: Shantanu Panigrahi []

Sent: 12/20/2024, 2:05 AM

Subject: Re: The Conservative Libertarian Publications Limited's Verification Status at Stripe

Dear Stripe

1. You have asked two questions:

(a) detailed explanation of what The Conservative Libertarian Publications Limited is processing payments through this Stripe Account.

As shown, there are three Membership Accounts. Let me start with  Join It ( because this is the most important one. It is a religious-organisational website where we discuss with our Members the intricacies of our religion Vishista Advaita and the members become part of the congregation together known to be Vishista Advaita Sampradaya. The payments that we receive from Members as Membership Fees goes towards the dissemination of what we call 'karma in sanatan dharma' which means in English, the duties and responsibilities that we Vishista Advaitists have to our families, our society in the country we live in (in my case the United Kingdom as TCLP-UK. To gain knowledge is the basis of developing our karma in sanatan dharma, sanatan dharma meaning God-willing and submission to that will of God. To gain knowledge one has to interact with society and discuss matters with all whom we come in contact with because text books are not enough of a basis for knowledge acquisition. The processes of yoga is employed and this is specifically described as satya-advaita yoga, or the yoga of truth-accommodation. To go a bit further into this, we seek truth through oneness with truth and never let truth get covered up. Intrinsically, we are totally transparent towards all of society in what we do as our karma for we know that that is how God wishes us to lead our lives.

Over the past few months we have consequently explored the way society functions through this special kind of satya-advaita yoga and it has taken us through various channels of communications with all the major institutions of the United Kingdom and the workings of the House of Commons which are all detailed in our 27 websites and 298 eBooks that shows what we do to in our karma in sanatan dharma.

It has mistakenly been taken to be that we are a Republican organisation: what we investigated was only food for thought to strengthen us and through us strengthen the whole of our society in the United Kingdom.  That is as far as it goes. We do not take part in the political process as activists through this website. I repeat we are a peaceful religion generating knowledge for world conservation: Our motto is Conservation and Preservation with the maximum liberty to do so.

(b) As far as a itemised invoice for a recent transaction is concerned to this site, there is only one of £10 which was processed through Stripe into our Tide Bank Account.

I trust you will find this clear outline of what our religion is all about, and it is a definitive statement.

2. For the second Membership website that The Conservative Libertarian Publications Limited created at Brilliant Directories this Membership website is where all the interactions will take place and it will be a global significance as part of The Conservative Libertarian Society (TCLS), a Directory of all who subscribe to our philosophy of truth, justice and democracy through the process of satya-advaita yoga and karma in sanatan dharma, as explained in above to which this website is intrinsically related.

This website was created 48 hours ago and so we do not have an itemised transaction to report to Stripe yet.

3. For the third Membership website that The Conservative Libertarian Publications as started 24 hours ago: this is simply a Directory through which we will acquire members from all the major walks of life, like Students, Teachers, industrialists, government workers, and environmentalists to share knowledge that each one has as a budding encyclopaedic Dictionary which will bring everyone together and contribute to knowledge assessment and dissemination across the world in a similar manner to Internet Archive. It will be secular so that operating without biases of gender, class, religion, sexual orientation, race, etc.

Obviously we do not have any transactions to report yet as the site is on a Free Trial mode until 1 January 2025.

I hope I have answered Stripe's concerns adequately, but if you require further information, I will be pleased to assist Stripe.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

Director, The Conservative Libertarian Publications Limited

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

United Kingdom

Tel: 07967789619

On Friday, 20 December 2024 at 09:16:43 GMT, Stripe Support <> wrote:

Hello there,

Thank you for your response.

We're still reviewing your account, and we require some additional information to complete the review. Can you please provide us with the following:

- Detailed explanation of what you’re processing payments for through this Stripe account

- An itemized invoice for a recent customer transaction

Once we hear back from you, we will review your information within 48 hours. Please let us know if you have any questions—we’re here to help.



--------------- Original Message ---------------

From: Shantanu Panigrahi []

Sent: 12/19/2024, 11:09 PM

Subject: The Conservative Libertarian Publications Limited's Verification Status at Stripe


Join It

Brilliant Directories


Financial Ombudsman

Medway County Court

Dear Sir/Madam

1. I just went to Brilliant Directories and into the ‘Knowledge Developers United’ website, and tabbed on the Stripe feature to be taken to the The Conservative Libertarian Publications Limited, where I checked on Contact Support, as follows:

What do you need help with?

Your current verification status is:

The Conservative Libertarian Publications Limited

We're reviewing your information and will get back to you within 24 hours for most reviews. Longer or more complicated reviews may take 2-3 business days.

Here is a summary of your issue:

Appeal in review

Information received from your Stripe account

We have received your response and will get back to you in 1-2 business days.


Dec 31

It may take 2-3 business days before your review is completed. This review cannot be expedited. You will receive an email with the outcome of the review.

Did this help solve your issue?

I pressed ‘YES’

Great! Don't forget that you can come back here for support 24/7.

The chat has ended.

For further assistance, please close the window and start a new chat.

2. It remains to be seen what Stripe decides on the full functionality of my three membership Accounts that I have: Vishista Advaita Sampradaya (TCLS/TCLP) at Join It (; 'Conservative Libertarians' at Brilliant Directories ( and ‘Knowledge Developers United' ( also at Brilliant Directories.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

United Kingdom

Tel: 07967789619


Emeka Ikeanumba (He/Him) 4:35 PM

I can understand. Thanks a lot

Shantanu Panigrahi sent the following messages at 4:39 PM

View Shantanu’s profile Shantanu Panigrahi

Shantanu Panigrahi (He/Him) 4:39 PM

Is your friend a lawyer who could assist me with the Case?

Emeka Ikeanumba (He/Him) 4:41 PM

No. She is a writer and currently lives off assistance having had long bouts of sickness.

Shantanu Panigrahi sent the following messages at 4:41 PM

View Shantanu’s profile Shantanu Panigrahi

Shantanu Panigrahi (He/Him) 4:41 PM





from:    KentCPO <>

to:          Shantanu Panigrahi <>

date:     20 Dec 2024, 17:25

subject:               Auto-Reply


Signed by:

security:             Standard encryption (TLS) Learn more

:               Important according to Google magic.


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