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Shantanu Panigrahii's Daily Bulletin

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Writer's picture: Shantanu PanigrahiShantanu Panigrahi


from: Shantanu Panigrahi <>

to: Force Control Kent <>,

Northkent <>

cc: Civil Appeals - Registry <>

date: 10 Aug 2023, 21:06

subject: DEFENCE



Kent Police

North Kent Magistrates Court

cc Civil Appeals Registry

Dezr Sir/Madam

All afternoon I waited for information from the Court of Appeal to find out the progress of CA-2023-000750 as to how it should proceed in relation to the Appeal from the decision of the Central London County Court on E35YM660 Appeal, but no information came through to me

This leads me to consider that Kent Police has been given a free hand to move ahead with its investigation of the offences of malicious communications and stalking that I am allegedly a suspect on, especially since it has not returned our desktop computer and 3 laptop computers, 4 USB Memory Sticks, 2 Mobile Phones and 2 Amazon pads and has not mentioned to me anything on the requirements of the Bail that I am on in the appointments of 28 September 2023 1600 hours and 10 October 2023 1600 hours, which therefore are still in place for my attendance.

All I got today were yet more harassing Spam calls and emails that I have outlined in the link The Game is Up: Litigation and Private Prosecutions are Over and the Time has come to Defend if charged. | Daily Bulletin ( which you will note also constitutes my Defence to any of the allegations against me.

With that said, I should bring to your attention that I still do have a Hearing at North Kent Magistrates Court on 10 November 2023, 2 pm as attached (LetterfromNKMCHearingTrial10Nov2023_2pm.pdf) that I intend to attend and cite under mitigating circumstances of the above linked arguments concerning the disposal of the 20 January 2023, 10 am Hearing attached (CenLonCtyCrtNOTICEOFHEARING OF APPLICATION.pdf.

Your response is awaited.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

United Kingdom

Tel: 07967789619



• Scanned by Gmail

(a) LetterfromNKMCHearingTrial10Nov2023_2pm.pdf



North Kent Magistrates’ Court (1966)

Sitting at Medway Magistrates Court

ALL ENQUIRIES: PO BOX CH4, The Courthouse, The Brook, Chatham, ME4 4JZ

Tel: 01634 830232, Fas: 0870 324 0037 Email:

Office Opening Hours: 9.00am to 5pm, Monday to Friday







[Received: 11.30 am 7 June 2023]

Case number: 0462300074226

Born: 8 August 1957

URN: 46SJ1327123

Summons on Referral to Court

A magistrate has decided that your case should be referred to a full court hearing

On 10 November 2023 at 2.00 pm

At Medway Magistrates’ Court

The Courthouse, PO Box CH4, The Brook, Chatham, Kent, ME4 4JZ (telephone 01634 830232).


For trial


If you attend court, you must arrive 30 minutes before the time shown above. A listing time is not a guaranteed hearing time. You may be required to wait.


If you do not attend, the court may still deal with the case in your absence. If the court does not have up to date information about your financial circumstances you maybe ordered to pay a fine that is more than you can afford.

Date: 1 June 2023


Charge initiated by: Chief Constable KENT POLICE of Medway Police Station, Pursers Way, Eastbridge, Gillingham, Kent, ME7 1NE

462300074226/1 Date of Charge: 05/04/2023

Prosecutor Reference: 2300XX0000000004742D

On 05/10/2022 at Boxley om the county of Kent drove a motor vehicle, namely a FORD FIESTA TITANIUM TURBO – 5 DOOR SALOON Index GH17AZZW, on a road, namely A229 Chatham Road, subject to a local traffic order, namely The Kent Council (Various Roads, Maidstone) (Speed Limits) (Consolidation)Order 2020, at a speed exceeding 50 miles per hour.

Contrary to the above local traffic Order and sections 84 and 89(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and Schedule 2 to the Road Traffic Offenders Act 1988.

The sentence for this offence can be endorsed on your driving record


Dr Shantanu PANIGRAHI 2 June 2023/SUMRTC_47_0/8298/1

North Kent Magistrates’s Court

Code 1966


Referral to Full Court Hearing

Your case was considered by the court under the single justice procedure. However, owing to the reasons given, your case has now been referred to a hearing before a full magistrates’ court. For information on the reason, see below.

For trial

At the next hearing, the magistrates will receive evidence either in the form of written statements or from any witnesses that attends court. You must attend, and bring with you any witness that you will call to give evidence on your behalf. If you do not agree with any statement being read to the court, you must inform the prosecution immediately.

Advice and help

If you need advice on what to do you should get help from a lawyer or advice agency at once. If you cannot afford a lawyer, you may be able to get free advice about your case. For more information see

Do not wait until you come to court.

If you need any general help about this summons contact the court office. PLEASE NOTE: Court staff are not able to give you specific advice on how to respond to the allegation.

Dr Shantanu PANIGRAHI 2 June 2023/SUMRTC_47_0/8298/1


Notice of Hearing of Application

In the County Court at Central London

Claim Number E35YM660

Date: 13 December 2022



Z1819776/MMX HO19

The hearing of the claimant’s application dated 23.06.2022

Will take place at 10.00 AM on the 20 January 2023 at the County Court at Central London, Thomas More Building, Royal Courts Of Justice, Strand, London, WC2A 2LL.

Time Estimate 1 hour IN PERSON before a Circuit Judge

LISTING POLICY: The court’s listing policy is determined by the senior judge and implemented by staff in accordance with his directions. Your case may not be allocated to a judge until the day of the hearing, and may have to wait in the unassigned list until a judge becomes available to hear it. Every effort will be made to ensure that your case is heard at this or another convenient court. If it is not

possible to provide a judge to hear your case, the court and Her Majesty’s Court and Tribunal Service will not be responsible for any costs incurred in the absence of any departure from listing policy due to maladministration.

Parties should be aware that this case may be one of several cases that have been listed to commence at this time. This may mean that your case will not be called immediately at the time scheduled, but may be heard later in the day. We will try to ensure that if your case is listed in the moring it is heard by 1 pm and if your case is listed in the afternoon it is heard by 4 pm. In some cicrcumstances it is possible that your hearing could overrun. You and any witnesses should therefore be available until the end of these periods or even later.

If there are special reasons why this is invonvenient you may make a short notice application to a circuit judge to adjourn. Ordinary inconvenience arising from the fact of being in the unassigned list will not be sufficient reason for an adjournment, nor will the fact that both parties agree to an adjournement.

ACCESSIBILITY: Please inform us as soon as possible if you, your witnesses or legal representatives have a physical disability that may affect your attendance at this court. We can make alternative arrangements for the case to be heard in a suitable court room by calling the Customer Service Team on 0300 123 3577.

FILING OF SKELETON ARGUMENTS AND TRIAL BUNDLES: Trial bundles (if applicable) should be lodged no earlier than 3 working days before the trial (unless otherwise ordered). All trial bundles should be

. emailing , or

. phoning our Disability Contact Officer 0207 947 6063.

To help us provide the best help and support, you should try to explain how your disability affects you and give as much information as you can. This will help our staff or the judge to consider what you’ll need to do during your case and any help we can provide. Our staff will always talk with you and agree any reasonable adjustments you need.


Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane




ME8 0S


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