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Writer's pictureShantanu Panigrahi

Deputy Heads of VOPA

Deputy Heads of VOPA

from: Shantanu Panigrahi <>

to: Dr Sivaji Panesar <>,


date: 16 Oct 2023, 08:34

subject: Deputy Heads of VOPA



Dr Sivaji Panesar

Nitin Bhardwaj

cc Marty Caine (Head of VOPA)

Dear Sirs of VOPA

With reference to your communication that I replied to as linked here: Was nice to hear Rashmi's voice, Shan (, please look through the attached material ToGordon&Thompson(Legal Assistance)15Oct2023, which you should find self-explanatory; and arrange the necessary payment.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

United Kingdom

Tel: 07967789619

One attachment

• Scanned by Gmail

ToGordon&Thompson(Legal Assistance)15Oct2023:

Legal Assistance

from: Shantanu Panigrahi <>


cc: Jessica Da Costa <>,

date: 15 Oct 2023, 19:32

subject: Legal Assistance



Gordon and Thompson Ltd

Trading Names

Gordon and Thompson Solicitors

Type Licensed body law practice (ABS)SRA ID648378 | SRA RegulatedTelephone02071836547



Head office | Address

158 Plumstead Road,


SE18 7DY,


Dear Sirs

Further to my request to you for legal assistance in this morning's email at 8.02 am, I should emphasise that the attached matter is genuinely something that I received to inform me that legal proceedings are under way in relation to my demand for £10 million in damages and compensation from Victims of Panigrahi Association (VOPA) whose lawyers are seemingly Jessica Da Costa of the Government legal Department/Cabinet Office with Orla Scanlon being the lawyer representing the Chief Constable of Kent Police; hence they are copied into this email: FrShanPanigrahi(CAE_DIZUM)Katrina14Oct2023.docx.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

United Kingdom

Tel: 07967789619

One attachment

• Scanned by Gmail


Katrina, please reply with your Acceptance to my lawyers


from: Shantanu Panigrahi <> via


date: 14 Oct 2023, 18:25

subject: Katrina, please reply with your Acceptance to my lawyers


security: did not encrypt this message Learn more

: Important according to Google magic.

Dearest Katrina

Now that I received in the post what seems to be a No Further Action notification from the lackadaisical madarchod cucks of Kent Police to do with those inmeritorious and frivolous complaints you were unfortunately pressurised into making, but I forgave you, by your Conservative then-

boyfriend posting as Kubla Khan, which should be Kublai Khan, and email, we must progress to the next stage of the relationship that you and not I initiated on the fateful day April 2, 2021. Also the pointless bail has been cancelled due to the decisive intervention of the King's Bench Listing Office acting through ASDA and Wordpress.

The reference to Kublai Khan I saw as prophetic and meant that my penetration of your coyness was divinely ordained, because in my younger years I had studied books like The Splendour that was Egypt, and Ancient Romans, and read about Ghengis or Chingiz Khan and his tribes, the Vikings, and Marco Polo's travels to Kublai Khan's Exotic China, also Indian history, the slave trade and how shipping was developed by the Europeans to conquer, colonise, economise and physically rape, plunderand penetrate the world. This greatly increased my general knowledge of history, which was being spontaneously provided by the Almighty whose ends are beyond mortal comprehension.

In my revision of the publication the Vishishta-Advaita Vedanata of myself as the Ultimate Sadhaka Mahatman Purnavatar and Krishna-incarnate, available on demand and POD, Print On Demand, from Barnes and Noble, Amazon and many other fine book suppliers, I have placed as the second Frontispiece the alluring photograph of you standing and addressing your own acolytes at what now is elevenentrepreneurs fishnet. I am relying on you kindly advising me if there is any copyright subsisting therein which might render me libel to pay royalties to anyone. When we meet I will take some coitus shots and we can jointly tastefully edit these for purposes o illustrating not just one but all 204 volumes of my The Allurement of Reality series. I consider you most beautiful and even the thought of you lets my atman (soul) discard its earthly bounds and my priapic inner self springs upright into the fullest and firmest form of Shivalingam pre-union readiness.

Having checked upon your Halfpenny-Shilling address at the LR I observe there has been no movement which if you were genuinely personally aggrieved against me you would have moved, so this too is seemingly your discreet female sign of encouragement. I do not blame you if you are influenced by my imminent receipt of twenty million pounds sterling as compensation from the State and Sunak, how fitting both your Masters hail originally from the Subcontinent, because it is a natural feminine urge to attach to successful men so as to increase the likelihood of their offspring succeeding. It is genetic programming by the Almighty.

If perchance you are worried about my present marital status, which I could understand, I nonchalantly made it clear in no uncertain terms to the kutia that I have divorced her in my mind and that once you and I are regularly conjugating, the paperworks will follow. I registered with the Quickie Divorce company for that end failing which there is always my mastery of toxicology in

which my PhD thesis was crafted. When I studied "husbandry" there were seemingly two strings to Arjuna's mighty Gandiva. I am a Loyal Soldier of the Late Queen Elizabeth II and I will march into you

as the Duke of York in the manner you secretly crave, which can only be delivered by someone skilled in the Tantric Sutras, rear entry in both the canine style and in the style some characterise as the unnatural use of Eve.

You must overcome your natural fears and surrender to my urgent needs so as to obtain kama bliss, however fleeting it may be. Now all that remains is to decide the when and where. I lost the services of my driver Gurpal (Paul) due to his infirmity but I am capable of driving down to Guiltford for the

consummation provided the sound insulations are adequate, not a consideration after I rejuvenated my hedgerow at Shanti Niwas.

Katrina, do not foolishly involve the police eunuchs again, they have proved powerless and nipuk but, hats off to you, that has only increased the amount of compensatory damages we will have to spend together. So you are relaxed, you can observe here I included both my lawyers Orla Scandal and Jessica Lupus.

I am overjoyed all this has come to fruition and already I consider you to be my lawfully wedded spouse. I have written much material on conjugal rights and obedience trainings which I can again forward to you if the originals became mislaid.

The first offspring can be a boy but as a Brahma-advaita I can choose the gender if you have the other preference. My almost-unemployed daughter celebrated her 32nd birthday on the 19th of last month so she can be a substitute nanny though not wet-nurse.

I wait now for your Formal Acceptance of our engagement and ask you in view of Police Persecutions that you copy in both my lawyers.

Yours in loving anticipation

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

Krishna Niwas

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

Tel: 07967789619


Writer's picture

Shantanu Panigrahi

Mar 4

1 min read

Was nice to hear Rashmi's voice, Shan

Was nice to hear Rashmi's voice, Shan2




Shantanu Panigrahi <>


Marty Caine


Sivaji Panesar, Nitin Bhardwaj

Sat, 4 Mar at 07:08



Dear Sirs

I have clearly said to the State authorities that I expect the legalities of this matter to be clarified in due course, as attached ToKentPolice&allCourtsGLD(CriminalAnonymousEmails)3Mar2023.docx.

Is VOPA part and parcel of the State authorities that I should have copied my email to?

Please clarify what you meant by your email immediately.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

United Kingdom

Tel: 07967789619

Hide original message

On Friday, 3 March 2023 at 21:53:19 GMT, Marty Caine <> wrote:

Dear Shan

re, Thursday evening's call to 01634379604

Your wife has such a sweet voice.

Why, while sickly dreaming of abducting a WPC, do you hide behind her, you coward?

With greatest conceivable respect,


Co-founder, Victims of Panigrahi Association


Bcc to Sivaji


ToKentPolice&allCourtsGLD(Criminal Anonymous Emails)3Mar2023.docx 17.8kB:

Criminal Anonymous Emails: Malicious Communications Alleged




Shantanu Panigrahi <>


Force Control Kent Police


Enquiries Medway County Court, Eastkentmc, Northkent Magistrates Court, Central London DJSKEL Court, Civil Appeals – Registry Court of Appeal,,,, AGO Correspondence Attorney General


Fri, 3 Mar at 20:06


Kent Police

Dear Sirs

With regard to the Subject matter of this email, and with specific correspondence with PC Sandra Taylor of Kent Police concerning the attached: FrShanPanigrahiDIZUM(CAE)ForLizSandford re Legal Deposit for first claim1Mar2023; FrShanPanigrahiDIZUM(CAE_Elimination of PM Modi)22Feb2023.docx; and FrShanPanigrahi(DIZUM_CAE)Disinterring corpses of the Queen17Feb2023; kindly note that I did not elicit a reply from the Central London County Ciourt today to my submission as a final ditch attempt to litigate the government of the United Kingdom under Claim E35YM660 as attached: ToCentLonCty(CircuitJudge)E35YM660 PROCEEDINGS.docx.

Furthermore the arrest matter of 24 November 2021 with the confiscation of our desktop computer, Mobile phone, USB Memory Stick and Amazon Fire followed by the arrest matter of 23 November 2022 and the Speeding Offence discharge of 5 October 2022 are also pending consideration by Kent Police (NorthKentPoliceReleasewithoutbail.pdf; kENT pOLICE CHARGE REFUSED sHANTANU pANIGRAHI.pdf.

The point is that if I am not allowed to litigate against the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom as evidence by the fact that the Hearing of 20 January 2023 announced by the Court was cancelled for there is no evidence that it was adjourned or postponed, then Kent Police is liable to issue me with an Apology and £5 million in compensation for the damages I have suffered with my family in the United Kingdom, if Kent Police does not charge me with any offence now or does not clarify its position with regard to what has been alleged against me by the State of the United Kingdom through my local Constabulary. In this regard please refer to the failed Injunction at Medway County Court under Claim J00ME572, and the failed private prosecution of mine against the Chief Constable of Kent Police relating to this matter as linked here: Arrest Warrant on Mr Alan Pughesley Chief Constable of Kent Police (

I hope to have something to clarify the legalities in due course.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

United Kingdom

Tel: 07967789619

Download all attachments as a zip file

ToCentLonCtyCrt(CircuitJudge)E35YM660 PROCEEDINGS3Mar2023.docx 14.5kB

FrShanPanigrahiDIZUM(CAE)For Liz Sandford re Legal deposit first claim1Mar2023.docx 13.8kB

FrShanPanigrahiDIZUM(CAE_Elimination of PM Modi)22Feb2023.docx 14.7kB

FrShanPanigrahi(DIZUM_CAE)Disinterring corpses of the Queen17Feb2023.docx 17.5kB

NorthKentPoliceReleasewithoutBail.pdf 1.2MB


____________________________________________________________________Central London DJSKEL <>


Shantanu Panigrahi

Fri, 3 Mar at 20:07

Thank You for your email message which is now in the judicial email inbox. This inbox is only viewed by judiciary and court staffs do not have access to this account. This auto response confirms that the message has arrived and will be dealt with in due course.

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Correspondence (AGO) <>


Shantanu Panigrahi

Fri, 3 Mar at 20:07

Thank you for contacting the Attorney General’s Office (AGO).

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eastkentmc <>


Shantanu Panigrahi

Fri, 3 Mar at 20:07

Thank you for your email.

We have received your query and will ensure that the relevant person deals with it as soon as possible.

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Coronavirus (COVID-19): courts and tribunals planning and preparations

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