Shantanu Panigrahi <shantanupanigrahi@yahoo.com>
Force Control Kent Police
Thu, 13 Apr at 07:05
Kent Police
Dear Sirs
It is clear from the evidence accumulated by me as attached: THE END REVIEW-digital.pdf that the Courts will only endorse what the Police submit to them in criminal cases, so I wish to discuss all matters with Kent Police from now onwards to prevent the matter going to court so as not to waste court or my and Police time.
In this regard, kindly give me a synopsis of what your concerns are as to my conduct over the matters that I brought in private prosecution of the Chief Constable of Kent Police at East Kent Magistrates Court, J00ME572 Injunction and Money Claims for £7 millions to be made to me with an apology from Kent Police, E35YM660 Claim for a nominal £3000 plus the refund of £4170 paid to the Cabinet Office by Order of District Judge Lightman dated 21 June 2021, the three arrests of myself by Kent Police on 24 November 2021, 23 November 2022, and 28 March 2023 for alleged malicious communications, the return of all our family property seized in raids between these dates, and any other matters outstanding such as the Speeding Offence of 5 October 2022.
This discourse should begin today and I am fully ready to comply with any decision Kent Police makes with regard to the disposal of these matters immediately. As you are aware I have made scores of representations to Kent Police denying any wrong-doing but I am a mental patient so it is possible that my paranoid schizophrenia, persistent delusional disorder, autism, severe depression, anxieties and mood swings which appear to be summarised by MEGAN CIC as a Personality Disorder, may have rendered me incapable of rationalising events and incidents that I stumble across each day of my life, so that I should be pardoned for any perceived actions that I have taken that are not to the liking of Kent Police.
Your nurse Eita Satio at Medway Police Station had referred me to Britton House for a medication review within 72 hours and although Issac did telephone me for this process to begin, no decision has been made by Britton House for the time being as it regurgitates the matter until 26 May 2023 at 10 am when Consultant Psychiatrist Dr Okafor is due to telephone me with an update.
I look forward to your response as soon as practicable and will not take any proactive steps in the meantime.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
United Kingdom
Tel 07967789619
THE END REVIEW-digital.pdf 213.7kB: