Ever Wonder If There is More to the Christian Life Than What You're Experienceing? Discover the Joy of Deep Discipleship Now!
from: Shantanu Panigrahi <shanpanigrahi3000@gmail.com>
date: 10 Jul 2024, 17:36
subject: Fwd: Ever Wonder If There is More to the Christian Life Than What You're Experienceing? Discover the Joy of Deep Discipleship Now!
mailed-by: gmail.com
I live independently of a perceived God, but if you are a practicing Christian this may be relevant to you. If not sorry for responding to your comment of 'Totally Agreeable.'
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From: Brian Fisher from Soil and Roots <soilandroots@substack.com>
Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2024 at 17:18
Subject: Ever Wonder If There is More to the Christian Life Than What You're Experienceing? Discover the Joy of Deep Discipleship Now!
Soil and Roots
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Are you yearning for a deeper connection with God, others, and your heart in today's disconnected age?
Amid abundant spiritual information, many people crave a transformative experience with Jesus that seems just out of reach.
The Bible explores powerful prayer lives, a peace that passes understanding, steadfastness amid turmoil and anxiety, and a routine two-way conversation with God. Yet many of us sit back in moments of quiet and ask ourselves, “Is there more to the Christian life than what I’m experiencing? Is this all there is?”
Theologian Dallas Willard studied modern Christianity and termed it “The Great Omission.” Though we talk about making disciples, we struggle to do so. While we may find converts and people who know about the Bible, precious few people and churches are taking the intentional journey to become more like Jesus. To love like He loves.
At Soil & Roots, we understand this dilemma well.
The Soil & Roots Podcast is a unique journey into the deep and wide world of spiritual formation. It's a guided exploration into the depths of discipleship, led by Brian Fisher, alongside Kyle Moody and Dr. Tim Boswell. Together, we delve into aspects of spiritual formation and modern Christianity rarely explored in churches.
We invite you to join us as we dig beneath the surface of our belief statements to explore the mysteries of God, others, and ourselves.
The Dilemma of the Modern Disciple: Craving Deeper Connection in a Disconnected Age
Do you resonate with these questions?
Do you struggle with feeling disconnected on your Christian journey?
Does the transformative experience of early disciples seem out of reach?
Are you overwhelmed by the abundance of spiritual information?
Do you crave a deeper, more authentic connection with God, others, and yourself?
Are you searching for a more integrated, immersive Christian experience?
Deep Discipleship: Cultivating Growth Together in Christ
At Soil & Roots, we've felt the same yearning for deeper spiritual connection. We've discovered that genuine formation happens best in the shared journey of small, intentional discipleship communities.
Your story intertwines with ours in a community committed to becoming more like Jesus as we navigate the joys and trials of faith. Rooted in the love and authority of Christ, we accompany each other on this transformative journey.
A Path to Kingdom-Centered Discipleship
Engage with Our Podcast: Start your journey with our guided exploration into the deep soils of discipleship.
Share Our Platform: Spread our message within your community for those seeking a deeper connection with God, themselves, and others.
Join us as we cultivate deep discipleship together.
Warm regards,
Brian Fisher
Soil & Roots Team
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