Today at 5.00 pm, I was free at last in total liberty having heard nothing from the International Criminal Court, the County Court of Central London and neither from Kent Police on what further actions if any it is considering taking with regards to the proceedings relating to the allegations that I had harassed and even stalked someone over the internet through emails. The Police still hold the desktop computer that it seized from our home along with my USB Memory Stick and my Old mobile phone but that is now a matter for the Independent Office for Police Conduct to try and resolve if it has any such powers.
It is clear that the Constitution of the United Kingdom has de facto been ascertained to be one of complete and absolute monarchy in that the State fuctions to uphold this Institution as its primary objective and this is does with the Prime Minister to whom every other citizen and State official is answerable including the Judiciary. So be it. I am not going to try and change this nor protest or take part in any Judicial Review against the decision of the County Court of Central London that I should have had to pay the Costs of the government of £4170 ordered under Claim E35YM660 against the Prime Minister for what I had experienced as State-organised persecution. The United Kingdom has a permanent seat in the Security Council and this gives all its Prime Ministers from Mr Anthony Blair to Mr Boris Johnson immunity against prosecution by the International Criminal Court as I have today ascertained in the fact that my email to the Court was not acknowledged by the Prosecutor. In this regard, it should be noted that the since the 2004 Application that I had made to the International Criminal Court in the first instance, I had subsequently spelt out the name of Her Majesty the Queen to be the person who should be charged with the prosecution of the injustices perpetrated against me over the past 24 years but no reply was received to that option. This time replies came but they were duplicitous indicating that it was highly unlikely that an investigation would be opened on this fresh application that I submitted very recently.
So the record spells out the status quo now: the Prime Minister is above the law. He acts on Royal Prerogative facility that is the Constitutional arrangement.I have no recourse to the law and will not be engaging in any action towards the recovery of the £55,000 severance payment from the University of Greenwich because the workplace harassment that I had suffered at the Institute from 1997-1998 in project work had been engineered by a secretive establishment of the State and this is why the University was hamstrung in negotiating a formal or informal settlement with me.
I have done what I could as a one-man band through the obstacles that were placed before me to try and prevent me from uncovering these hard truths of the way the United Kingdom and the United States of America function in a cosy relationship to try and denigrate one single human being who pursued his Hindu dharma of duties and righteous actions of uncovering the truth and exposing the truth. But nothing could stop me from doing so. For I have the power of truth that comes from knowing the Reality as conceptualised under the Vedanta Vishsista-advaita. It is unbeatable in its trouncing of one's enemies. I was born to live out the truth of our Hindu shastra as depicted in the Mahabharatta and the Ramayana but through getting firtst hand information on how truth is gathered and used in warfare, a warfare that I engaged in totally non-violently and survived for 24 years following two spells of enforced incarcerattion in the mental hospital in 2004 and 2008, and terrific threats of further incarcerations in mental hospital or prison or to have me booted out of the country to India or some other distant land by making me Stateless. I practiced sanatan dharma and it turned out to be the eternal law of dharma rakshati rakshita as our shastras has taught the Hindus. It was worth waiting to find this truth out for oneself and I am very fortunate that I was chosen by God through awakenings from sparks of light to engage in this process and a journey of life.
Now there is nothing else left to be done. I have completed my write up of 'the Allurement of Reality' book as an autobiography in 27 Sections and so I am now free. I go to work in a petrol station three days a week to supplement our family income and engage in physical and mental work doing what I enjoy most, that is serving customers at the Till and around the shop.
Shantanu Panigrahi