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Shantanu Panigrahii's Daily Bulletin

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Fresh (new) Damages and Compensation Application at the Court of Appeal

Writer's picture: Shantanu PanigrahiShantanu Panigrahi

Automatic Response


from: Shantanu Panigrahi <>

Shawn Murphy <>,

HOC Petitions Committee <>,

date: 8 Dec 2024, 19:51

subject: Fwd: Automatic Response


Dear Sirs

For your information and due consideration of damages and compensation plus an apology package of £300 million to me, a new application to the Court of Appeal has been submitted for immediate action.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

United Kingdom

Tel: 07967789619

---------- Forwarded message ---------

From: Civil Appeals - Registry <>

Date: Sun, 8 Dec 2024 at 19:44

Subject: Automatic Response

To: Shantanu Panigrahi <>

Thank you for your email.

Legal Representatives

Please note that from Monday 14th February 2022 it is now mandatory for professional users to submit all documents (e.g. bundles, skeleton arguments, application notices etc.) via E-Filing. General correspondence may be sent by email.

This is pursuant to Practice Direction 51O of the CPR and the Practice Note which supplements it.

For Unrepresented Parties only

URGENT applications should be submitted to the court via email to this address: between 9am and 4.15 pm

What may be deemed as urgent:

Cases where in the interests of justice a substantive decision is required within 7 days. The types of work listed below fall into this category

• Child cases

• Committal appeals

• Applications for stay of removal

• Evictions

• Cases (including ancillary applications) with a hearing listed in the Court of Appeal within the next month

• Applications for an urgent stay of execution

• Covid-19 related cases e.g., medical guidance regarding priority patients

NON-URGENT applications should be emailed to:

This auto response is confirmation that your email has been received and you will not receive a separate acknowledgement. Staff will follow the internal processes that have been established to process your application as quickly as possible.

All appellant’s notices will be accepted in the first instance on the basis that they may be rejected at a later date for want of jurisdiction.

Fresh applications for permission to appeal must include:

• a completed appellant’s notice (form N161)

• grounds of appeal on a separate sheet

• The appropriate court fee via your PBA account, a completed Help with Fees form (EX160) or by contacting the RCJ Fees Office on 0203 936 8957 or by emailing between the hours of 10:00am and 16:00pm, Monday to Friday (except bank holidays)

• a copy of the sealed order being appealed.

• A transcript of judgment should also be provided if available (or should be ordered immediately)

The public counter at E307 (Registry) remains closed, however a drop box facility is available at the main entrance into the Royal Courts of Justice.

Once the appellant’s notice is issued, all queries should be emailed to the appropriate following addresses:

The court will issue orders electronically in the first instance.

You can find contact details for other courts in other jurisdictions at the Courts & Tribunals Finder.

Customer feedback

The Court of Appeal – Civil Division accepts online complaints through the HMCTS online complaint form:

The online customer feedback system has been designed to help customers make an administrative complaint through the HM Courts & Tribunals Service process. It will also help us to learn from customer feedback to feed into possible improvements to the way we work.


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This e-mail and any attachments is intended only for the attention of the addressee(s). Its unauthorised use, disclosure, storage or copying is not permitted. If you are not the intended recipient, please destroy all copies and inform the sender by return e-mail. Internet e-mail is not a secure medium. Any reply to this message could be intercepted and read by someone else. Please bear that in mind when deciding whether to send material in response to this message by e-mail. This e-mail (whether you are the sender or the recipient) may be monitored, recorded and retained by the Ministry of Justice. Monitoring / blocking software may be used, and e-mail content may be read at any time. You have a responsibility to ensure laws are not broken when composing or forwarding e-mails and their contents.


Automatic Response

from: Stripe <>

reply-to: Stripe <>

date: 8 Dec 2024, 19:51

subject: Re: Fwd: Automatic Response

Signed by:

security: Standard encryption (TLS) Learn more

: Important according to Google magic.


We recently received a Stripe support request from In order to provide you with the best possible support, we’ll need you to log in to your account and confirm that it was you who sent the request:

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If you’re not able to log in to your account, you can ignore this message and wait for our reply - we’ll be in touch shortly.

If you did not send us a support message recently, please let us know immediately. Simply click the Contact support link at to get in touch.

While you’re waiting to hear back, take a look at these articles which may help answer your question.


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In future, you can also contact us directly from our support site to avoid having to confirm your emails.

Read more about why we ask you to confirm your support request.

Stripe, 354 Oyster Point Blvd, South San Francisco, CA 94080

Need to refer to this message? Use this ID: em_d8jthyirzxtlgjjutlnybdv2urru8y

On Sun, Dec 8, 2024 at 19:51 UTC, you wrote:

Dear Sirs

For your information and due consideration of damages and compensation plus

an apology package of £300 million to me, a new application to the Court of

Appeal has been submitted for immediate action.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

United Kingdom

Tel: 07967789619

---------- Forwarded message ---------

From: Civil Appeals - Registry <>

Date: Sun, 8 Dec 2024 at 19:44

Subject: Automatic Response

To: Shantanu Panigrahi <>

Thank you for your email.

Legal Representatives

Please note that from Monday 14th February 2022 it is now mandatory for

professional users to submit all documents (e.g. bundles, skeleton

arguments, application notices etc.) via E-Filing*. *General

correspondence may be sent by email.

CE-File Information & Support

This is pursuant to Practice Direction 51O of the CPR and the Practice Note

which supplements it.

For Unrepresented Parties only

URGENT applications should be submitted to the court via email to this

address: between 9am and 4.15 pm

What may be deemed as urgent:

Cases where in the interests of justice a substantive decision is required

within 7 days. The types of work listed below fall into this category

• Child cases

• Committal appeals

• Applications for stay of removal

• Evictions

• Cases (including ancillary applications) with a hearing listed in

the Court of Appeal within the next month

• Applications for an urgent stay of execution

• Covid-19 related cases e.g., medical guidance regarding priority


NON-URGENT applications should be emailed to:

This auto response is confirmation that your email has been received and

you will not receive a separate acknowledgement. Staff will follow the

internal processes that have been established to process your application

as quickly as possible.

*All appellant’s notices will be accepted in the first instance on the

basis that they may be rejected at a later date for want of jurisdiction.*

Fresh applications for permission to appeal must include*: *

• a completed appellant’s notice (form N161)

• grounds of appeal on a separate sheet

• The appropriate court fee via your PBA account, a completed

Help with Fees form (EX160) or by contacting the RCJ Fees Office on 0203

936 8957 or by emailing between the hours

of 10:00am and 16:00pm, Monday to Friday (except bank holidays)

• a copy of the sealed order being appealed.

• A transcript of judgment should also be provided if available

(or should be ordered immediately)

The public counter at E307 (Registry) remains closed, however a drop box

facility is available at the main entrance into the Royal Courts of Justice.

*Once the appellant’s notice is issued, all queries should be emailed to

the appropriate following addresses:*

The court will issue orders electronically in the first instance.

You can find contact details for other courts in other jurisdictions

at the *Courts

& Tribunals Finder*.

For information on how HMCTS uses personal data about you please see:

Customer feedback

The Court of Appeal – Civil Division accepts online complaints through the

HMCTS online complaint form:

The online customer feedback system has been designed to help customers

make an administrative complaint through the HM Courts & Tribunals Service

process. It will also help us to learn from customer feedback to feed into

possible improvements to the way we work.


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it will NOT be viewed.


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date: 8 Dec 2024, 19:51

subject: Thank you for your email

security: Standard encryption (TLS) Learn more

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ACRM 3726 MAR 19


Automatic reply: Automatic Response


from: Phso Enquiries <>

to: Shantanu Panigrahi <>

date: 8 Dec 2024, 19:51

subject: Automatic reply: Automatic Response

Signed by:

security: Standard encryption (TLS) Learn more

: Important according to Google magic.

This is an automated response to confirm we have received your email.

Please read the section which relates to why you have contacted us.

You are bringing or have a complaint with us.

If you are bringing a complaint to us and this is your first contact:

We are sorry that you have had reason to contact us. The best way to submit your complaint to us is to complete our complaint form. You can complete the complaint form online, or you can get copies of our Parliamentary and Health forms (including large print format) on our website.

If you are unsure if your complaint is ready for us to look at, you can find out more on our website.

If you need a different format such as a different language or Braille, or if you need any further support to help you get your complaint to us, you can call us on 0345 015 4033. We can also provide paper copies of the forms. Our opening hours are Monday to Thursday 9am to 4pm, Friday 8.30am to 12pm

2. If you have an existing case with us:

Your email will be added to your case and your caseworker will usually be in contact with you within 15 working days.

3. If you are making an FOI request:

Please resend your email to

You are contacting us from an organisation or MP's office:

If you are providing records or a response to enquiries on a case, your email will be added to the case and if necessary, the caseworker will be in contact with you.

If you have a general query, you will be responded to within 15 working days.

If you are emailing about any of the following, please redirect your email:


[Message clipped] View entire message


Automatic Reply from BSB Contact Us


from: BSB Contact Us <>

to: Shantanu Panigrahi <>

date: 8 Dec 2024, 19:51

subject: Automatic Reply from BSB Contact Us

security: Standard encryption (TLS) Learn more

: Important according to Google magic.


Thank you for contacting the Contact and Assessment Team of the BSB.

If you are seeking to make a report

Please use our online reporting form which is available here. This will ensure that your report is properly logged and will help to provide us with the information we need to complete an assessment of your concern.

If you have already made a report

We receive a large number of reports and it is currently taking us at least eight weeks to complete an initial assessment. We will contact you once we have completed our assessment, although we may be in touch with you before then if we need more information about your concern. Please note that we can’t give detailed updates on the progress of our assessments.

If you are a barrister making a report about another barrister under rule rC66 of The BSB Handbook, we will only contact you if we need more information. You won’t be informed of the outcome of our assessment.

You can read about our process for assessing information here.

If you are making a general enquiry

Answers to frequently asked questions and a link to our Contact Form can be found here.

We try to answer all queries within 5 working days. If we need to pass your enquiry to another team, we will let you know. If that happens, please allow extra time for a response.

Please note we won’t be able to give advice or answer queries about specific conduct or applications.


[Message clipped] View entire message


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from: ComplaintsTeam <>

to: Shantanu Panigrahi <>

date: 8 Dec 2024, 19:51

subject: Auto-Reply


Signed by:

security: Standard encryption (TLS) Learn more

: Important according to Google magic.

Thank you for contacting the Corporate Complaints Team at the Solicitors Regulation Authority.

We will decide who is best placed to deal with your concerns, and will let you know in the next five working days.

This mailbox does not deal with complaints about solicitors. For information regarding complaints about solicitors, please see our website complaints about solicitors

Corporate Complaints Team

Solicitors Regulation Authority/ Awdurdod Rheoleiddio Cyfreithwyr

Contact Centre: 0370 606 2555 (Our Contact Centre will be able to take details of your concerns to decide which team would be able to assist you).

Find out how to contact us and information about alternative formats

For information on how we handle your personal data, see our privacy notice.

This email is intended for the addressee only. This includes any attachments. Its unauthorised use, further processing, storage or copying is not allowed. If you are not the intended recipient, please let the sender know and then destroy all copies.

Please note the sender is not authorised to conclude any contract on behalf of the Solicitors Regulation Authority by email.

We are the regulator of solicitors and law firms in England and Wales. The Solicitors Regulation Authority Limited is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales. Our registered offices are: The Cube, 199 Wharfside Street, Birmingham, B1 1RN. Our company registration number is: 12608059.


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