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Shantanu Panigrahii's Daily Bulletin

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Writer's picture: Shantanu PanigrahiShantanu Panigrahi

Updated: Dec 6, 2024


from: Shantanu Panigrahi <>

cc: Central London DJSKEL <>,

Civil Appeals - Registry <>

date: 5 Dec 2024, 06:45



Hello Santander

Thank you for your email in connection with the attached communications requiring still the FULL WRITTEN REASONS:

(a) ToFinancialOmbudsman(SantanderBankComplaint)4Dec2024.docx


(c) ToJuliePalmerKMPTManagedDivorceKentPoliceSantanderBarclaysCenLonCtyCrtHRSainsburys(AppointmentOfferedatBrittonHouse)5Dec2020.docx

(d)Central London County Court Judgment or Order12May2020(Adjourned)docx

(e) ToSupremeCourt(Continuing State-organised harassment)5Sep2020.docx

(f) FrCourtofAppeal(FULL WRITTEN REASONS E35YM660_CA-2023-000750)2Sep2020.docx

As soon as I have received an explanation from the Central London County Court concerning these proceedings, I will discuss whether there is scope for further discussions with Santander Bank.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

United Kingdom

Tel: 07967789619

On Wed, 4 Dec 2024 at 22:28, <> wrote: Re: Your new statement is ready to view

This email is intended for MR SHANTANU PANIGRAHI, 0SL



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6 attachments • Scanned by Gmail

(a) ToFinancialOmbudsman(SantanderBankComplaint)4Dec2024.docx


(c) ToJuliePalmerKMPTManagedDivorceKentPoliceSantanderBarclaysCenLonCtyCrtHRSainsburys(AppointmentOfferedatBrittonHouse)5Dec2020.docx

(d) Central London County Court Judgment or Order12May2020(Adjourned)docx

(e) ToSupremeCourt(Continuing State-organised harassment)5Sep2020.docx

(f) FrCourtofAppeal(FULL WRITTEN REASONS E35YM660_CA-2023-000750)2Sep2020.docx


[Confidential] Your complaint about Santander UK Plc (Our ref:PNX-5135265-F6C6)


from: Shantanu Panigrahi <>

date: 4 Dec 2024, 16:26

subject: Re: [Confidential] Your complaint about Santander UK Plc (Our ref:PNX-5135265-F6C6)


Dear Sirs

Thank you, I will do that.

Let me deal with Santander matter first as this did make its way through the Police and to the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom as follows:


Financial Ombudsman Service

Registration of declaring the Financial Accounts for Completion of the Registration of The Conservative Libertarian Party


Shantanu Panigrahi <>

Sun, 6 Dec at 00:28


The Electoral Commission

Dear Sir

Please note the delay in completing the Registration of the The Conservative Libertarian Party (TCLP-UK) due to financial fraud in Santander Bank’s embezzlement of the liquid-asset property of the Party.

The matter has been under Appeal to the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom since the Party's 5 September 2020-dated Appeal against the Judgment of the Central London County Court and the Court of Appeal on their Rulings on the disposal of Claim E35YM660 in regard to permission to Appeal the Circuit Judge's Decision dated 12 May 2020 not granted to the then Appellant now joined and represented by the TCLP-UK.

Please note the attached: ToSupremeCourt5Sep2020.docx; ToBankingOmbudman1Dec2020.docx; Central London County Court Judgment or Order 12 May2020.dox; CLAIMANT'S SUBMISSION 5Dec2020.docx, Financial Separation of Assets in Perfect Marriages’. and FrSantanderBank5Dec2020.docx in relation to the problems that I have had through the emailing systems to communicate with interested parties.

I await the Ombudsman's directions for the progress of this complaint on behalf of TCLP-UK as its General Secretary.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

General Secretary, TCLP-UK

First Floor, Room D

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

Tel: 0796778961

cc Banking Ombudsman

Tel: 0800 023 4567







Central London County Court Judgement or Order 12 May 2020.docx




Financial Separation of Assets in Perfect Marriages.docx



It will take me some time to go through the attachments as I have to look through my old USB Memory sticks, but if you are agreeable to pursue the Financial Services Ombudsman (FOS) complaints on its Case Reference Nos PNX-5135264-S4N6 (Barclaycard), PNX-5124101-X0CS (Barclays Bank), PNX-5135268-T1P6 (Tide Bank/ClearBank), PNX - 5135265-F6C6 (Santander Bank), PNX-5135267-Y8G6 (PayPal Bank), and PNX-5222561-R3M4 (Stripe Banking Services) in the order that you would prefer kindly let me know.

I await your reply.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

United Kingdom

Tel: 07967789619

Our ref


Your ref

Dear Dr Panigrahi

Your complaint about Santander UK Plc

Thank you for your email.

We’ve sent you a complaint form for all the reference numbers you mentioned in your email for them to be completed and returned.

However, you haven’t completed and returned the complaint forms for any of your complaints which we need to progress them.

Could you complete and return all of the complaint forms please?

When you do this, could you return them all to us in separate emails quoting the correct reference for so they can be allocated to the correct complaint.

Once we receive the forms back, we will let you know the next steps.

Kind regards

Kimberley Ramanoop | Customer Help | 0800 023 4 567

Financial Ombudsman Service | Exchange Tower, London, E14 9SR

This email has been sent securely using TLS encryption.

This email is covered by our email disclaimer.

This email was sent from Financial Ombudsman Service Ltd. Registered in England and Wales. Registered Number: 3725015. Registered Office: Exchange Tower, London, E14 9SR, United Kingdom.


Thank you for contacting the Financial Ombudsman Service


date: 4 Dec 2024, 16:26

subject: Thank you for contacting the Financial Ombudsman Service

security: Standard encryption (TLS) Learn more

: Important mainly because it was sent directly to you.

Thank you for contacting the Financial Ombudsman Service, we are a free service set up to resolve disputes with financial businesses, like banks or insurance companies.

We’re helping a lot of customers at the moment, so I’m sorry we won’t be able to reply straight away.

If you’re contacting us about a new complaint

You can find out more about the things we can help with on our website – where you can also use our complaint checker tool to see if your complaint is one we can look at.

If we can help, we will get back to you within 7 days. Due to the volume of enquiries we receive, we are only able to reply to those customers we can help.

If you already have a complaint with us

We’ll contact you once your complaint is with a case-handler.

However, if you’re experiencing serious financial or health problems, or need to speak to someone urgently, please call us on 0800 023 4567.

If we are not able to help you

We can only look at complaints about financial businesses (like banks, insurance companies and finance firms). We can’t help with other complaints – for example, about phone and utility companies, council tax or legal services. Please look at our website for more information about other organisations that may be able to help – but they are completely separate from the Financial Ombudsman Service

And just to remind you again, if we can help, we will get back to you within 7 days.


Financial Ombudsman Service


[Message clipped] View entire message




Her Honour Judge Backhouse

My Ladyship


Appeal Arguments relating to the two Orders dated 14 January 2020 and 30 September 2020 were specifically submitted to the Defendant in my Updated Particulars of Claim on 24 March 19.31 hours by agreed email and updated since. This was made clear to the Court prior to 3 April 2020 Hearing presided over by Judge Backhouse on which the 12 May 2020 Order attached is based (Central London County Court or Order 12 May 2020.docx attached to this submission).

Summary of petition

1. I wished to do something positive for national development of the United Kingdom so that it can contribute to World Conservation in order to improve global society and initiated the following petitions. Some were approved for hosting whereas others were inexplicably turned down and disabled by 38 Degrees and Liberty. I resorted to Action-network in view of this lack of cooperation. This is what my Appeal is all about. Please refer to the following links in administering your decision on whether I am justified in voicing these concerns or not. If I am not, you may turn down my reconsideration of permission to Appeal the 14 January 2019 dated Order of the Court on E35YM660 (Dr Shantanu Panigrahi vs Mrs Theresa May; nay the present Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Mr Boris Johnson as the Defendant singly).

2. The petitions in question were:

38 Degrees websites:

2. Further evidence for my petitions may be examined at the following websites which have stood the test of time in that they were beyond criticisms from the general public because they are factual representations of the investigations that I have conducted in arriving at the petitions:

Personal websites:

3. The evidence in these websites support the Particulars of Claim in the Claim Form and the Appellants Notice of a concerted national and international conspiracy against me to obstruct justice and pervert the course of justice by the States concerned. The government is therefore obliged to take these petitions seriously or give its reasons for not considering them through the normal processes of Parliamentary scrutiny. The functioning of the Parliament and the Monarchy must be subject to the due process of scrutiny through the Courts to outline individual responsibilities to society and hence this Claim that I am pursuing. Otherwise there is no hope for the nation that I love.

4. Madam, a Judge of Her Majesty’s Establishment is the law of the nation. Please therefore advise me if I am right or wrong in bringing this to your attention.

5. As you must be aware, I have only asked for a nominal £3000 in damages and compensation for what I have suffered over 22 years that led me to my published petitions because I am only progressing this Appeal proceedings in in sincere belief that it is in the public interest nationally and globally.

6. Please therefore advise me if a Judgement or Order can be considered now appropriately to bring a closure to this long-standing (22 year-old) saga.

Yours faithfully

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi (Claimant)

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

Tel: 07967789619

Last Updated: 5 December 2020, 6.13 hours (UK Time)


Appointment offered at Britton House


Shan Panigrahi


Cc:Managed Divorce Co Support,Quickie Divorce Support,Santander,Barclays UK,HRAdv ERAdmin,Christmas_Helpline,Enquiries Kent,Enquiries Central London County,Enquiries Central London County,

Sat, 5 Dec 2020 at 06:24


Julie Palmer

Kent and Medway Partnership Trust

Hermitage Road



Dear Julie

There is some uncertainty in my mind this morning on a number of inter-related issues, as follows:

My wife had telephoned a few days ago and spoken with Dr Odesanya about various concerns she had about my wellbeing and her role in supervising this at our home. I understood from her that a medication review was being considered, and they had agreed that Dr Odesanya will write to me a letter of appointment for a Face to Face assessment.

Whilst I did not wish any further appointments in Britton House, I do realise that I can only be released into the primary care of my doctor Dr Mawanche at the Shah Surgery with Dr Odesanya's approval and issue of another Care Plan document stating that this discharge into primary care has been effected.

I therefore telephoned Britton House when I did not receive such a letter in the post. The lady receptionist (Jane) told me that she can give me the time of the appointment over the phone, and did so as being 9 December 2020 at 10.00 am.

Whilst I am agreeable to see him and acceded to his request that my wife must accompany me to the Meeting at on the 9th of December without any such letter arriving in the post by then, although this would have been helpful to update my official records that I maintain, Dr Odesanya must be made aware of certain other developments. Kent Police's lady Police Officer (Badge No 6.204) came to our home yesterday roughly around 3.15 pm yesterday to follow up a contact made by the Hempstead Valley Shopping Centre Branch of Santander Bank following my decision to convert both the Bank Account Names to TCLP-UK (The Conservative Libertarian Party of the United Kingdom) of which I am the General Secretary awaiting the completion of registration that has been applied for at the Election Commission. I left our Santander Passbook relating to the joint-account that I am Claiming for TCLP-UK, and explained to the Police Officer that my suggestion that our family finances must be separated by my Teacher's Pension money continuing to be credited into our Barclays Current Account for the running expenses of the household to be eventually given to our daughter Shanti Rupa Panigrahi from all future proceeds starting yesterday and I accordingly make no Claim to that Account held at Barclays Bank PLC. The Police Officer asked my wife to telephone Santander and find out what is happening following my decision as above, and she got both the Santander Account Blocked by the Bank. This is most disconcerting as I as the General Secretary of the Party have transactions to implement right now to progress its work, and so a decision of the separation of financial assets must be considered at the forthcoming meeting in light of the legal advice and representation made to the Bury St Edmonds Regional Divorce Centre through Managed Divorce to which the £347 Lawyers Fees has been paid.

Furthermore, the Police Officer had undertaken to contact the Social Services to visit our home to iron out the Carer's responsibility that to her as 'not being a good Carer, but a Control Freak), but no one from Social Services has contacted me as thing stand right now.

I have given my Barclays Current Account details for the income that I will earn from Sainsbury's employment as Services Assistant for which the Induction is imminent on 8 December 2020 at 9.00 (Angel Centre, Tonbridge, Mr Calum Hayward contact 01732 359811), which I wish to use for my personal expenses through the Barclays Account with all the Santander Money in the two Accounts held there belonging to the TCLP-UK from now onwards. The cheque book that I applied for online to Santander must be endorsed accordingly before it is sent when these Accounts are unblocked with Statements on both Accounts to be sent to me as the General Secretary of the Political Party. This should be done immediately and in this regard, I am copying this email for the attention of Her Honour Judge Backhouse for deliberations on the attached revised Claimants Submission to the CLAIMANT'S attached-proceedings of Claim E35YM660. Related to this is the fact that I asked the Policewoman showing her my British Passport that I was concerned about for not going to my Induction yesterday at 2.00 pm for my Christmas Casual Appointment that I will reschedule by copy of this email to Royal Mail. Her clear advice was that my British Passport is valid and noone can take this away from me at the forthcoming Inductions at Royal Mail and Sainsburys.

I await your next response, and a redated letter of Appointment on a later date than 9 December 2020, without the presence of my wife at the appointment for the above-mentioned reasons.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

Tel: 07967789619



Shan Panigrahi,Panigrahi Rashmi

Sat, 5 Dec 2020 at 06:24




General Form of Judgement of Order

In the County Court at Central London

Claim Number E35YM660

Date: 12 May 2020

(Sealed The County Court)



Before Her Honour Judge Backhouse sitting at the County Court at Central London, Central London, R.C.J, Thomas More Building, Royal Courts Of Justice, Strand, London, WC2A 2LL.

In light of the court’s currently restricted ability to hear all the cases which are presently listed for hearing


This matter be adjourned to a date to be fixed;

Costs be reserved;

If the parties are of the view that this matter should be heard urgently they should write to the court via the setting out their reasons and stating whether in their view the matter can be dealt with by remote hearing (telephone or Skype) or whether an attended hearing is necessary

Dated 2 April 2020

The court office at the County Court at Central London,Central London, R.C. Thomsas More Building, Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, London, WC2A 2LL. When corresponding with the court, please address forms or letters to the Court Manager and quote the claim number. Tel: 0380 123 5577 Fax: 0870 739 4144 (GOLD FAX). Check if you can issue your claim online. It will save you time and money.Go to to find out more. Produced by Alex Castel CJR0 65C

N24 General Form of Judgment of Order


Continuing State-organised harassment


AOL Service Update

To:UKSC Registry

Sat, 5 Sept 2020 at 22:40


Supreme Court

Dear Sir

I am not clear whether the Master at the Court of Appeal has read my attached complaint on this Saturday against his deliberate deceitful misinterpretation of my Appeal in Case Number 2018/PI/11721 that I sought an explanation for in terms of Full Written Reasons for the progress of this Appeal as attached: ToCourtofAppealccSupremeCourt5Sep2020 but it would appear from the two additional bullying, intimidatory and harassing emails designed to pervert the course of justice that I have just received as attached Frindeed5Sep2020c.docx and FrExtinctionRebellion5Sep2020b.docx, that Master concerned remains unapologetic for having misled me and the wider legal community.

Please identify the name of the Master responsible for this crime against humanity immediately, unless Her Majesty the Queen has voluntarily abdicated to avoid being summoned to the Court to explain her conduct over the past 20 years of monarchy that saw me being persecuted by the State and its overseas allied States for daring to retaliate at the monsters of the University of Greenwich, Shell UK, Sainsburys, Royal Mail, and the Mental Health authorities by publishing my discoveries on the unravelling of the British State in my Blog

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

Tel: 07967789619

Download all attachments as a zip file

ToCourtofAppealccSupremeCourt5Sep2020.docx 13.8kB

Frindeed5Sep2020c.docx 15.5kB

FrExtinctionRebellion5Sep2020b.docx 14kB

(i) RE: Update on Mental Capacity 2018/PI/11721 STANDARD4

AOL Service Update <>

To:Civil Appeals - Registry

Cc:UKSC Registry

Sat, 5 Sep at 17:21


The Court of Appeal

Dear Sir

I am still awaiting the Master's decision on Directions for the Hearing of the following Appeal application against his incorrect comprehension and resulting direction that I was merely seeking the Full Written Reasons from the Circuit Judge Her Honour Judge Backhouse of the Central London County Court concerning the unjust disposal of the attached Claimant's Submission on Claim E35YM660 CLAIMANT'S, the response to which from the UK State has been the further harassment of me from the trolling activities of agents acting on behalf of the UK State as attached: Frindeed5Sep2020.docx; FrExtinctionRebellion5Sep2020b.docx.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

United Kingdom

Tel: 07967789619

AOL Service Update <>

To:Civil Appeals - Registry

Cc:LONDONSOUTHET,Enquiries Central London County,Enquiries Central London County

Wed, 2 Sep at 09:34


The Court of Appeal

via the Civil Appeals Registry

Dear Master

1. In relation to the following communication from the Court of Appeal:Civil Appeals - Registry <>

Wed, 2 Sep at 06:05 Dear Dr Panigrahi Your email has been referred to a Master of the Court of Appeal who has asked me to reply as follows.

“ If Dr Panigrahi is seeking the reasons of a circuit judge (HHJ Backhouse) he needs to contact the court in which that judge was sitting. The Court of Appeal cannot assist.”

Kind regards

Mr Mo Chowdhury - Registry Manager - Civil Appeals

Room E307 Royal Courts of Justice|Strand|London|WC2A 2LL|DX 44456 Strand

2.I am no longer in need of the Full Written Reasons for the Circuit Judge Her Honour Judge Backhouse's disposal of the Claim following the following clarification that I received in relation to my query: ToCentralLondonCountyCourt2Sep2020.docx, and am therefore now in a position to submit my Appellants Notice to Appeal the Order of the Court dated 22 May 2020.docx.

3. Please send me a Fee Remission Form application guidance immediately and confirm the Court Fee that I need to pay for the required Appellant's Notice without the permission to Appeal from the Circuit Judge.

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

Download all attachments as a zip file

CLAIMANT'S SUBMISSION5September2020.docx 18.6kB

Frindeed5Sep2020b.docx 17.3kB

FrExtinctionRebellion5Sep2020.docx 21.4kB


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XRLondon Rebellion#6

( Items

XR London Newsdesk <>

Sat, 5 Sep at 21:21


London Listings


Timeline Day 6: SUN 6 SEPT

Sunday will be a watery day (good to wear blue!) and so we are reminded that rebellions can be fluid... do check any links and join chats to keep alert for any changes, additions and surprises. Watch out for the currents.


Tides of Hope

Thames foreshore - north-side, near St Paul's

Join our regenerative water-focussed journey.

14:00 (arr. 13:30)

Flood Alert

(near) Tate Modern

We will sound the alarm, warning that we need to avert catastrophic climate-change-induced flooding in London, the UK and across the world: a 'beach party' with entertainment, amusement, sorrow, education, the absurd and the fantastical.

15:00 (arr. 14:30)

Marine Extinction March

from Parliament Square

Join us for a beautiful grief march. We will rise like the tide in protest against the destruction of our ocean habitats.

Home Rebels

The Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill has been presented to Parliament and is now tabled for debate ... in March. Please, urgently lobby your MP and ask them to treat this bill with the urgency an emergency requires.


The Action Pack! Pretty much everything we need to know.

Rebels' Handbook

Arrest watch training video

Legal advice from Green and Blackcross


Post-rebellion handbook - for afterwards!

Help fund the Rebellion

Support XR London to stage a really successful September rebellion. Support our brave rebels who have been arrested - legal defence fund.

Join Your Local Group

If you are not part of a local group yet, please join us and help us continue to build our wonderful movement. Find your local group here.


Love and courage!

Sent via To update your email address, change your name or address, or to stop receiving emails from XR London, please click here.


RE: Update on Mental Capacity 2018/PI/11721 STANDARD


Civil Appeals - Registry

Wed, 2 Sept 2020 at 06:05

Dear Dr Panigrahi

Your email has been referred to a Master of the Court of Appeal who has asked me to reply as follows.

“ If Dr Panigrahi is seeking the reasons of a circuit judge (HHJ Backhouse) he needs to contact the court in which that judge was sitting. The Court of Appeal cannot assist.”

Kind regards

Mr Mo Chowdhury - Registry Manager - Civil Appeals

Room E307 Royal Courts of Justice|Strand|London|WC2A 2LL|DX 44456 Strand

T: 020 7947 6915|

Coronavirus (COVID-19): courts and tribunals planning and preparation

Web: Here is how HMCTS uses personal data about you.

Whether you contact us by fax, e-mail or by post please avoid duplication of work by only sending documents

From: AOL Service Update []

Sent: 21 August 2020 07:58

To: Gill Syred

Cc: Lisa Pennington; Sayeeda Choudhury; Daslaw Co Info;; Central London County, Enquiries; Central London County, Enquiries; HRAdv ERAdmin; Bobbie Yarwood-Unachukwu; ON BEHALF OF Bobbie Yarwood-Unachukwu; Stephen Green; Victims of Panigrahi Association; Dr Sivaji Panesar; Fritz Wuehler; Enquiries Kent; Civil Appeals - Registry; Hindudharmaforums Webmaster; Passport Section; Kylie at REED; indeed

Subject: Update on Mental Capacity 2018/PI/11721 STANDARD


Gill Skyred

Medway and Swale Advocacy Partnership

1. Thank you of your email of Thu, 20 Aug at 11:13, explaining that there were multiple issues involved in my earlier emails and that this was the reason that you could not assist me with with your advocacy services.

2. I am disappointed about this belated email from you because it did not come before the meeting that took place on the 14 August 2020.docx, with Dr Odesanya so that I had a confusing meeting with Dr Odesanya and with my wife joining in the conversation, the outcome of which is still not known to me for - see that attached correspondence with Lisa Pennington of Porchlight.

FrLisaPenninton19Aug2020.docx relating to my query to the North Kent Magistrates Court as attached: ToNorthKentMagistrates18Aug2020.docx, which specifies the Charge, as follows:

The charge specified is therefore ‘conspiracy to persecute Dr Shantanu Panigrahi into a mental hospital or to drive him to a mental state that would lead him to terminate his life in this country’.

3. This is most clearly exemplified from the fact that I did not receive a telephone call or email or letter in the post from Dr Odesanya so far to clarifiy the outcome as I had perceived it and discussed in my correspondence with Lisa Pennington, who I will see only after I have received an updated Care Plan from Britton House (to answer her question of when I would be available to see her next).

4. There has been no correspondence from Sayeeda Choudhary or DAS Law concerning these proceedings, nor from Bar Council Portal concerning the attached appointment FrBarCouncilPortal25Jul2020.docx, so I will now proceed with looking for another mental capacity solicitor, if you do not change your mind and reply to this email before 12 noon today to pursue the Claim E35YM660 at the Central London County Court that remains adjourned as far as I know from the only document that I have so far received from the Court of the Defendants relating to the Claim: see Central London County Court Judgment or Order 12 May 2020.docx, and because my cherished Blog continues to be disabled pending the judgment of this Court.

5. The main defendants and respondents are copied into this email as appropriate for their replies on how they defend against this charge to justifiy their roles in the persecution on my over the past 22 years of living in this country of the United Kingdom, which I will never leave, even if it means that I am incarcerated again in a mental hospital for pursuing my perceived aim at justice, now matter how long this takes, and not withstanding the intransigence of the Indian High Commission to reply to my concerning the my application for a Person of Indian Origin Card, to facilitate my holidays in India with my family in the future.

6. You will appreciate from this email that I am determined to maintain my sanity no matter how long this State-organised persecution continues, as for example from the reissue of the attached email from Reed this morning when I had clearly stated that I am leading a secluded life so they should have left me alone now: FrReed21Aug2020.docx.

7. I am copying this email to the Court of Appeal because I am still not in possession of the Full Written Reasons for Her Honour Judge Backhous' disposal of the Claim without an properly constituted Hearing of these matters that would have exonerated me in the eyes of the world, as the sanest person who ever lived with the intelligence to match this bombastic-sounding Claim as a purushuttama conceived through my Brahmaadvaita religion of Hinduism, and not withstanding the continued rejection of Hindu Dharma Forums to entertain this final chapter of Vedanta.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

Tel: 07967789619

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