from: Shantanu Panigrahi <shanpanigrahi3000@gmail.com>
to: Enquiries Medway County <enquiries.medway.countycourt@justice.gov.uk>
date: 23 Nov 2024, 14:29
mailed-by: gmail.com
The Court Manager
Medway County Court
Dear Sir/Madam
Will I receive an official reply to the summarised proceedings as updated here or the Full Written Reasons for why the matter is being shelved by the Court without Directions or the Summary Judgment?
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
United Kingdom
Tel: 07967789619
---------- Forwarded message ---------Fwd: CHECKING OUT AS A CLOSURE OF PROCEEDINGS
From: Shantanu Panigrahi <shanpanigrahi3000@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 23 Nov 2024 at 09:36
To: Enquiries Medway County <enquiries.medway.countycourt@justice.gov.uk>
On Sat, 23 Nov 2024 at 09:23, Shantanu Panigrahi <shanpanigrahi3000@gmail.com> wrote to Central London County Court, Kent Police and House of Commons Petitions Committee:
The Central London County Court
Medway County Court
HOC Petitions Committee
Dear Sir/Madam
Following my deposition on Kent Police this morning as attached: ToKent Police Enquiries(Notification from Daily Bulletin_Stalking&MaliciousCommunicationsCO_999_23)23Nov2024.docx; at 8.53 am on this Saturday morning my Mobile Phone rang from a Spam Caller dialling from 01249 905015.
This was the confirmation that I was waiting for from the ‘State authorities’ of the proceedings in place: Particulars of Damages and Compensation J00ME572 at Medway County Court in Dr Shantanu Panigrahi vs Kent Police.pdf.
Any further clarifications received will be gratefully received.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
United Kingdom
Tel: 07967789619
2 attachments • Scanned by Gmail
(a) Tokent Police Enquiries(Notification from Daily Bulletin_Stalking&MaliciousCommunicationsCO_999_23)23Nov2024.docx
(b) Particulars of Damages and Compensation J00ME572 at Medway County Court in Dr Shantanu Panigrahi vs Kent Police.pdf:
(a) Notification from Daily Bulletin
from: Shantanu Panigrahi <shanpanigrahi3000@gmail.com>
to: Enquiries Kent <enquiries@kent.police.uk>
date: 23 Nov 2024, 06:17
subject: Fwd: Notification from Daily Bulletin
mailed-by: gmail.com
Kent Police
Dear Sirs
Yesterday evening I was getting inundated with notifications as below, drawing my attention to Police investigation CO/999/23 of the Professional Standards Department.
On receipt of the first 2-3 such messages, I thought I was being spammed again so deleted them from my website, but this did not stop the persons from continuing. So I replied on the website itself as linked here: https://www.knowledgeassessmentanddissemination.com/forum/main/comment/1564c5b5-c996-4ff3-b422-7f8ae5ab065e?postId=662e8e75260c5e00103727a1
So my question is 'are the State authorities happy with the situation or are there further proceedings required to bring this matter to a closure’.
I should be grateful if you would attend to the matter for the real suspects of the stalking and malicious communications that I was arrested 6 times for are still at large.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
United Kingdom
Tel: 07967789619
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Daily Bulletin <notifications@forums.wix.com>
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2024 at 22:37
Subject: Notification from Daily Bulletin
To: Shantanu Panigrahi <shanpanigrahi3000@gmail.com>
High Guide LLC Commented On a Post
Hi Shantanu Panigrahi,
High Guide LLC commented on a post "Progress in Investigation of CO/999/23" in the forum, Daily Bulletin.
Rad Window Cleanings offers top-tier window cleaning services tailored to meet the needs of both homeowners and busin...
Check It Out
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Shantanu Panigrahi
Apr 28
Progress in Investigation of CO/999/23
in General Discussion
Progress in Investigation of CO/999/23
Shantanu Panigrahi
To: Mish Muchemwa DS 46014005
Cc: Central London DJSKEL
Sun, 28 Apr at 12:55
Dear DC Muchemwa
With reference to your investigation of my Complaint CO/999/23, please see the attached email (FrGovUKFinalReminderLastingPowersofAttorney)28Apr2024.docx) that I received this morning designed to conflate legal proceedings at the Central London County Court on my Claim against the Prime Minister under E35YM660) the sending of which I see as a threat to my life from the Monarchists, for the reason that the Government is fully aware that we arranged out Lasting Power of Attorney privately through Honey Legal 4-6 months ago and it is now awaiting the final documentation.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
United Kingdom
Tel: 07967789619
FrGovUKFinal reminderLastingPowerofAttorney)28Apr2024.docx 14kB
Final reminder: do you still need your Make a lasting power of attorney account?
Make a lasting power of attorney
Sun, 28 Apr at 11:03
We’re deleting your Make a lasting power of attorney account on 3 May 2024
This email is about the online account where you create lasting powers of attorney (LPAs) – https://www.gov.uk/power-of-attorney/make-lasting-power.
We close these accounts if no one has logged into them for 9 months. We’re planning to delete your account on 3 May 2024. This is to protect your privacy: we do not hold your data for longer than we need to.
What will not be affected
Any LPAs you’ve printed and posted to OPG for registration – we’ll process these as normal
Any registered LPAs – you can continue to use any registered LPAs as normal
Any Use a lasting power of attorney account you may have created – you’ll still be able to sign in to that account
What we’ll delete
All information you’ve entered into the Make a lasting power of attorney online service
All complete or incomplete LPA application forms on the service
If you want to keep your account
You may want to keep your account if you have any draft or unregistered LPAs online, or if you think you’ll want to look at your LPA documents online in the future.
To keep your account, sign in at https://www.lastingpowerofattorney.service.gov.uk/login
If you’re sure you want your account deleted
There’s nothing else you need to do. We’ll automatically delete your account on 3 May 2024.
Progress in Investigation of CO/999/23
Central London DJSKEL
To:Shantanu Panigrahi
Sun, 28 Apr at 12:56
Thank You for your email message which is now in the judicial email inbox. This inbox is only viewed by judiciary and court staffs do not have access to this account. This auto response confirms that the message has arrived and will be dealt with in due course.
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High Guide LLC
High Guide LLC
Rad Window Cleanings offers top-tier window cleaning services tailored to meet the needs of both homeowners and businesses. If you’re looking for residential window washers near me or reliable window washers near me residential, we’ve got you covered. Our expert team ensures streak-free, spotless windows that enhance the beauty of your space. For those searching for trusted window washers near me, Rad Window Cleanings is your go-to choice for professional, high-quality results.
Shantanu Panigrahi
Shantanu Panigrahi
Replying to
For your information, the subject matter of this thread concerns an issue that is long past its sell-by date and is not open for discussion anymore. I took out legal actions in the Courts and in a Petition to the House of Commons Petition Committee and left the matter at that. I have checked out in other words. Let the State of the United Kingdom do what it feels is necessary to maintain the stability of the nation without such extensive legal enquiries taking place at official venue institutions:
ToHOCPetitionsComitteeccEntLonCtyCrtJudiciaryMedCtyCrt(PETITION UPDATE)21Nov2024
Download: DOCX 24 KB
from: Shantanu Panigrahi <shanpanigrahi3000@gmail.com>
to: HOC Petitions Committee <petitionscommittee@parliament.uk>
cc: Enquiries Medway County <enquiries.medway.countycourt@justice.gov.uk>,
Central London DJSKEL <centrallondondjskel@justice.gov.uk>
date: 21 Nov 2024, 06:27
mailed-by: gmail.com
The Petitions Committee
House of Commons
Dear Sir/Madam
1. Thank you for your email as attached: FrPetitionCommittee(PETITION TO DEVELOP A WRITTEN CONSTITUTION FOR THE UNITED KINGDOM BY PARLIAMENT_AssessmentprocessbeforePublication)19Nov2024.docx
2. I have informed the County Court of Central London and Medway County Court of these petitionary proceedings so as to give the Courts a final opportunity to officially intimate me of any Directions or Judgment taken by the Judiciary in respect of Claims E35YM660 against the Prime Ministers and J00ME572 against Kent Police, as linked here:
3. Should there be any new decisions taken by the Courts concerned with this matter, I should keep you informed.
4. In the meantime, I look forward to your reply to ascertain the due process involved in the matter of this Petition given the dynamic nature of civil proceedings that it is entangled in.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
United Kingdom
Tel: 07967789619
One attachment • Scanned by Gmail
FrPetitionCommittee(PETITION TO DEVELOP A WRITTEN CONSTITUTION FOR THE UNITED KINGDOM BY PARLIAMENT_AssessmentprocessbeforePublication)19Nov2024.docx :
from: HOC Petitions Committee <petitionscommittee@parliament.uk>
to: Shantanu Panigrahi <shanpanigrahi3000@gmail.com>
date: 19 Nov 2024, 10:37
mailed-by: parliament.uk
Signed by: parliament.uk
security: Standard encryption (TLS) Learn more
: Important mainly because it was sent directly to you.
Dear Dr Panigrahi,
Thank you for contacting us.
Our aim is to check all petitions within ten working days.
We receive hundreds of petitions every week and we try to work through them as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Some petitions can involve additional research and fact checking, which means they can take a little longer to check.
The Petitions Team
Petitions Committee
House of Commons, Palace of Westminster, London SW1A 0AA
parliament.uk @houseofcommons
petition.parliament.uk @HoCpetitions
From: Shantanu Panigrahi <shanpanigrahi3000@gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, November 18, 2024 8:31 PM
To: HOC Petitions Committee <petitionscommittee@parliament.uk>
The Petitions Committee
House of Commons
Thank you for confirming that we have now secured the 5 signatories to the required 5 Petition registered as attached for the Committee to consider publishing the Petition (FrPetitionCommitteeHOC(Petition Awaiting Check for Standards)16Nov2024).
The information in this email is provided to also let the Committee know that I have tried all I could to access Justice through the due processes of the State and there is no point in carrying on any further with it as you will read in the post that I have published this evening that I am forwarding to the Committee: https://www.thelibertariandemocrats.com/forum/diary-of-the-author/18-november-2024-19-59-pm-uk-time
I trust the Petitions Committee will let me know as soon as possible whether the Petition will be published or requires some kind of alteration in content to make the required standards.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
United Kingdom
Tel: 07967789619
---------- Forwarded message --------- Fwd: New Post by Shantanu Panigrahi
From: <no-reply@wixsiteautomations.com>
Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2024 at 20:00
Subject: New Post by Shantanu Panigrahi
To: Shantanu Panigrahi <shanpanigrahi3000@gmail.com>
18 November 2024, 19.59 pm (UK-Time)
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Shantanu Panigrahi wrote a new post in forum
18 November 2024, 19.59 pm (UK-Time)
No point in carrying on:
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from: Central London DJSKEL <centrallondondjskel@justice.gov.uk>
to: Shantanu Panigrahi <shanpanigrahi3000@gmail.com>
date: 21 Nov 2024, 06:28
mailed-by: justice.gov.uk
Signed by: justice.gov.uk
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: Important according to Google magic.Thank You for your email message which is now in the judicial email inbox. This inbox is only viewed by judiciary and court staffs do not have access to this account. This auto response confirms that the message has arrived and will be dealt with in due course.
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Posted this email-document as a Blog in Libertarian Democracy at 19.47 pm (UK-Time) 21 November 2024, tweeting it and posting it in United Kingdom as a Republic page of Facebook:
Now then, if you have anything substantial to say about this or any other matter, you have my ear. I am ready and willing to discuss any issue that you consider important.
I will not be restricted from uttering my moment by moment thoughts come what may. This is what my websites have been created for.
Particulars of Damages and Compensation J00ME572 at Medway County Court in Dr Shantanu Panigrahi v Kent Police
This Claim is brought to the Medway County Court against Kent Police (and by extension the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom) and co-conspirators (officials in His Majesty’s Court and Tribunal Service, Lawyers, the Legal Ombudsman, Financial Services Ombudsman, Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman and the Independent Office for Police Conduct) on the following chargesheet against this Police Force:
(a) protecting criminals on my submission of Internet Complaint hate crime by Phands and MI5/MI6: £250,000;
(b) protecting criminals on the Shell Tribunal matter: £5,000;
(c) protecting criminals in the UKIP proceedings matter: £1000;
(d) protecting criminals in University of Greenwich legalities matter - back pay
£30,000*26 years on 20 October 2022: £780,000;
(e) protecting criminals in the National Health Service directed crimes against me: £1,000,000;
(f) protecting criminals in the AuthorhouseUK book publication matter: £3,000;
(g) protecting the Legal Ombudsman, Financial Serviceman Ombudsman Solicitors Regulation Authority, from criminal activities against me with regard to numerous lawyers and Banks and the NHS that I complained: £200,000;
(h) Dover capture by Kent Police in 2004 to incarcerate me in a mental hospital without due reason: £5,000,000;
(i) capturing me at home and under handcuffs returning me to the mental hospital from where I had lawfully absconded: £1,000,000;
(j) pointless prosecutions of speeding offence that I was collecting money to discharge in January 2017 and booking the Speed Awareness Course in October 2022: £1,000,000;
(k) protecting court officials who gave me an unjustified criminal record with the processing of the speeding offence at Medway Magistrates Court: £1,000,000;
(l) protecting the Labour Party in its hate crime of denying me my membership rights to submit
Motions, and Questions to the Prime Minister: £1,000,000;
(m) protecting the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Conservative Prime Ministers including Mr Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak who obstructed and perverted the course of justice against the Claimant in Claim E35YM660 of the Central London County Court: £1,000, 000;
(n) protecting the Prosecutor at the International Criminal Court for thwarting justice in Claim No Court Reference: OTP-CR-76/22: £100,000;
(o) protecting the Norway membership of the Security Council from bringing the submissions of the Claimant to the attention of the Security Council, the General Assembly of the United Nations and the Secretary General of the United Nations: £1,000,000;
(p) protecting Wordpress.com internet service providers in unfairly and criminally suspending two of the Claimant's Blogs https://shantanup.wordpress.com and
https://towardsknowledgeforworldconservation.com: £1,000,000;
(q) Framing false allegations of harassment and stalking by me against Katrina Sale, BP, IOPC, educational establishments, staff of BLM Law that it knew I had nothing to do with and that it was organised by the State Security Services within the UK and in the United States of America; false arrest and confiscation of our family computer and Mobile Phone devices: £1,000,000;
(r) protecting criminals of BP, ASDA, Sainsburys, Moto and Tesco for denying me employment unfairly: £1,000,000;
(s) protecting Lulu Publishing that disabled my book publishing programme of ‘The Allurement of Reality without giving me a chance to rectify any errors that it found questionable on the 88 eBooks and print books: £1,000,000;
(t) protecting PAYPAL, Santander Bank and Barclays Bank for fraudulent activities on my Bank Account: £500,000;
(u) protecting the Samaritans, Charity Commission and the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman for covering up the hate crimes by Victims of Panigrahi Association (VOPA), a unit of the Security Services: £1,000,0000;
(v) protecting Stripe Payments (UK) for deceitful and duplicitous dealings to withhold banking support to VishistaAdvaitaSampradaya(TCLS/TCLP-UK) of my Company The Conservative Libertarian Publications Limited: £1,000,000;
(w) protecting the Tech Giants LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook of terroristic harassment on me over several years: £1,000,000;
(x) protecting Wix.com Internet Website Company that discredited and defamed me without an explanation by disabling my website https://knowledgeassessmentanddissemination.com £2,000,000; and
(y) protecting JONATHAN BRADLEY, Sole practice law practice, for inflicting terroristic attack on me by email that required immediate investigation by Kent Police: £1,000,000.
(z) refusal to investigate the matter of the criminal manipulation of the Claimant’s petitions to the House of Commons Petition Committee (£1,000,000)
Total amount claimed from United Kingdom Treasury: (£25 million).
from: Central London DJSKEL <centrallondondjskel@justice.gov.uk>
to: Shantanu Panigrahi <shanpanigrahi3000@gmail.com>
date: 23 Nov 2024, 09:27
mailed-by: justice.gov.uk
Signed by: justice.gov.uk
security: Standard encryption (TLS) Learn more
: Important according to Google magic.
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