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Shantanu Panigrahii's Daily Bulletin

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Writer's picture: Shantanu PanigrahiShantanu Panigrahi



from:    Shantanu Panigrahi <>

to:          Enquiries Medway County <>,

Central London DJSKEL <>

date:     18 Oct 2024, 06:42

subject:               J00ME572/E35YM660: APPEAL PETITION TO THE MONARCH



Dear Sir


In view of the lack of progress in the ascertaining of my rights to damages and compensation for the 26 years of police brutality, victimisation, MI5/MI6-engineered trolling terrorism, religious persecution, the apparent systematic obstruction of justice and the apparent perverting of the course of justice against me that I have had to endure, I have discussed the matter with colleagues at Linkedin as attached: YOU AND YOUR RIGHTS-digital.docx in relation to the petition of mine to the Late Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the outcome of which is unsatisfactory for all concerned.


This email is a formal appeal to the said petition to the present Monarch King Charles III to authorise the payment of £23 million to me from the Treasury of the United Kingdom, which is constitutionally the appropriate route since the Judicial system is part of the HMCTS that is under implicit supervision of the Monarch.


Kindly forward this email accordingly to Buckingham Palace for His Majesty's immediate adjudication with your comments as appropriate.


Yours sincerely


Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

United Kingdom

Tel: 07967789619


One attachment  • Scanned by Gmail

YOU AND YOUR RIGHTS-digital.docx:



Max Haddock

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    Max Haddock

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    Shantanu Panigrahi sent the following message at 4:28 PM

    View Shantanu’s profile Shantanu Panigrahi

    Shantanu Panigrahi (He/Him) 4:28 PM

    Hi Max,

    It's great connecting with you. We both studied at University of Reading. How have you been?

Max Haddock sent the following message at 7:38 PM

View Max’s profile Max Haddock

Max Haddock (He/Him) 7:38 PM

Hi Shantanu,

It’s great connecting with you too!

I have been very well thank you. I’ve just started my first year at Reading University which has been very exciting so far.

How about yourself?

Shantanu Panigrahi sent the following messages at 8:29 PM

View Shantanu’s profile Shantanu Panigrahi

Shantanu Panigrahi (He/Him) 8:29 PM

It turns out that the only individual who can authorise the £23 million damages and compensation cum apology package to me that I have been claiming at Medway County Court of late is the present Monarch King Charles Iii on the petition that I submitted to Queen Elizabeth in 2000.

View Max’s profile Max Haddock

Max Haddock (He/Him) 9:06 PM

what was the petition for?

Shantanu Panigrahi sent the following messages at 10:00 PM

View Shantanu’s profile Shantanu Panigrahi

Shantanu Panigrahi (He/Him) 10:00 PM

Readers Digest: You and Your Rights


Louis Manghardt

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    Louis Manghardt

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    Louis Manghardt

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    Shantanu Panigrahi sent the following message at 6:32 PM

    View Shantanu’s profile Shantanu Panigrahi

    Shantanu Panigrahi (He/Him) 6:32 PM


Louis Manghardt sent the following message at 8:07 PM

View Louis’ profile Louis Manghardt

Louis Manghardt 8:07 PM

Hi Shantanu

Shantanu Panigrahi sent the following message at 8:32 PM

View Shantanu’s profile Shantanu Panigrahi

Shantanu Panigrahi (He/Him) 8:32 PM

Job done Louis.

Louis Manghardt sent the following message at 9:13 PM

View Louis’ profile Louis Manghardt

Louis Manghardt 9:13 PM


Shantanu Panigrahi sent the following messages at 10:01 PM

View Shantanu’s profile Shantanu Panigrahi

Shantanu Panigrahi (He/Him) 10:01 PM

Readers Digest: You and Your Rights


Konstantinos Nikopoulos

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    Konstantinos Nikopoulos

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    Konstantinos Nikopoulos

    1st degree connection · 1st

    1st Class BSc Accounting and Finance Graduate

    Apr 3

    Shantanu Panigrahi sent the following message at 4:08 PM

    View Shantanu’s profile Shantanu Panigrahi

    Shantanu Panigrahi (He/Him) 4:08 PM

    Hello Konstantinos

Apr 5

Konstantinos Nikopoulos sent the following message at 12:23 PM

View Konstantinos’ profile Konstantinos Nikopoulos

Konstantinos Nikopoulos 12:23 PM

Hi Shantanu

Shantanu Panigrahi sent the following messages at 2:54 PM

View Shantanu’s profile Shantanu Panigrahi

Shantanu Panigrahi (He/Him) 2:54 PM

What would you like to talk about Konstantinos? - I leave it to you to decide.

Apr 6

View Shantanu’s profile Shantanu Panigrahi

Shantanu Panigrahi (He/Him) 8:37 AM

Sorry Konstantinos, I realise that I had invited you to connect so it is up to me to seek help and advice from you:


HMRC-EXPLANATION OF LETTER IS INADEQUATELY PHRASEDYahoo/Sent Shantanu PanigrahiFrom: shantanupanigrahi@yahoo.comTo: GOV.UKCc: Central London DJSKEL, Inghelram Jan (jan.inghelram@curia.europe.euFri, 5 Apr at 14:23ToHMRC cc Central London County Court...


View Shantanu’s profile Shantanu Panigrahi

Shantanu Panigrahi (He/Him) 10:02 PM

Readers Digest: You and Your Rights


Ritik Dube

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Ritik Dube

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    Ritik Dube

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    Ritik Dube


    1st degree connection · 1st

    Senior Sales Consultant at K2 Recruitment Ltd with expertise in Digital Marketing Media

    Sep 28

    Shantanu Panigrahi sent the following message at 9:35 AM

    View Shantanu’s profile Shantanu Panigrahi

    Shantanu Panigrahi (He/Him) 9:35 AM

    Hi Ritik,

    It's great connecting with you. How have you been?

Ritik Dube sent the following message at 9:52 AM

View Ritik’s profile Ritik Dube

Ritik Dube

(He/Him) 9:52 AM

Hi Shantanu,

Im alright thanks, how about you ?

Shantanu Panigrahi sent the following message at 10:16 AM

View Shantanu’s profile Shantanu Panigrahi

Shantanu Panigrahi (He/Him) 10:16 AM

I am waiting for J00ME572 Claim Directions from Medway County Court on a civil matter.

Ritik Dube sent the following message at 10:19 AM

View Ritik’s profile Ritik Dube

Ritik Dube

(He/Him) 10:19 AM

I see

Shantanu Panigrahi sent the following message at 10:53 AM

View Shantanu’s profile Shantanu Panigrahi

Shantanu Panigrahi (He/Him) 10:53 AM

It is a Claim against Kent Police with attached Particulars of Damages and Compensation J00ME572 Dr Shantanu Panigrahi v Kent Police.pdf.

Particulars of Damages and Compensation J00ME572 Dr Shantanu Panigrahi v Kent Police).pdf 126 KB


Ritik Dube sent the following message at 9:02 PM

View Ritik’s profile Ritik Dube

Ritik Dube

(He/Him) 9:02 PM

Hi Shantanu, im not sure if i understand. Why are you sharing this with me ?

Shantanu Panigrahi sent the following message at 9:59 PM

View Shantanu’s profile Shantanu Panigrahi

Shantanu Panigrahi (He/Him) 9:59 PM

Readers Digest: You and Your rights

Ritik Dube sent the following message at 10:02 PM

View Ritik’s profile Ritik Dube

Ritik Dube

(He/Him) 10:02 PM


Shantanu Panigrahi sent the following messages at 10:02 PM

View Shantanu’s profile Shantanu Panigrahi

Shantanu Panigrahi (He/Him) 10:02 PM

Thanks Ritik


Seb Rodriguez

Seb Rodriguez

    Seb Rodriguez

    Seb Rodriguez

    1st degree connection · 1st

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    Sep 18

    Shantanu Panigrahi sent the following message at 8:57 AM

    View Shantanu’s profile Shantanu Panigrahi

    Shantanu Panigrahi (He/Him) 8:57 AM

    Hi Seb,

    It's great connecting with you. We both studied at University of Reading. How have you been?


Seb Rodriguez sent the following message at 4:12 PM

View Seb’s profile Seb Rodriguez

Seb Rodriguez 4:12 PM


Shantanu Panigrahi sent the following messages at 4:27 PM

View Shantanu’s profile Shantanu Panigrahi

Shantanu Panigrahi (He/Him) 4:27 PM


View Shantanu’s profile Shantanu Panigrahi

Shantanu Panigrahi (He/Him) 10:04 PM

Readers Digest: You and Your Rights.


Earnest Akpoyibo

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Earnest Akpoyibo

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    Earnest Akpoyibo

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    Earnest Akpoyibo

    1st degree connection · 1st



    Shantanu Panigrahi sent the following message at 6:31 PM

    View Shantanu’s profile Shantanu Panigrahi

    Shantanu Panigrahi (He/Him) 6:31 PM


Earnest Akpoyibo sent the following message at 6:33 PM

View Earnest’s profile Earnest Akpoyibo

Earnest Akpoyibo 6:33 PM


Shantanu Panigrahi sent the following message at 6:54 PM

View Shantanu’s profile Shantanu Panigrahi

Shantanu Panigrahi (He/Him) 6:54 PM

Hello Earnest, No news is good news?

Earnest Akpoyibo sent the following message at 7:02 PM

View Earnest’s profile Earnest Akpoyibo

Earnest Akpoyibo 7:02 PM

Don't understand

Shantanu Panigrahi sent the following message at 7:10 PM

View Shantanu’s profile Shantanu Panigrahi

Shantanu Panigrahi (He/Him) 7:10 PM

I am claiming £ 23 million from the UK Treasury in damages and compensation for various items in my Particulars.

Earnest Akpoyibo sent the following message at 7:11 PM

View Earnest’s profile Earnest Akpoyibo

Earnest Akpoyibo 7:11 PM


Shantanu Panigrahi sent the following messages at 7:11 PM

View Shantanu’s profile Shantanu Panigrahi

Shantanu Panigrahi (He/Him) 7:11 PM


View Shantanu’s profile Shantanu Panigrahi

Shantanu Panigrahi (He/Him) 10:03 PM

Readers Digest: You and Your Rights

Earnest Akpoyibo sent the following message at 10:12 PM

View Earnest’s profile Earnest Akpoyibo

Earnest Akpoyibo 10:12 PM

What do you mean?


Shantanu Panigrahi sent the following messages at 5:34 AM

View Shantanu’s profile Shantanu Panigrahi

Shantanu Panigrahi (He/Him) 5:34 AM

Thanks Earnest

View Shantanu’s profile Shantanu Panigrahi

Shantanu Panigrahi (He/Him) 5:37 AM

I hope you're well


Amulya Nayak

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    Apr 4, 2023

    Amulya Nayak sent the following message at 5:05 PM

    View Amulya’s profile Amulya Nayak

    Amulya Nayak 5:05 PM

    Congrats on your work anniversary! 🙏

    Mar 20

    Shantanu Panigrahi sent the following messages at 9:47 AM

    View Shantanu’s profile Shantanu Panigrahi

    Shantanu Panigrahi (He/Him) 9:47 AM


How are you?

Mar 21

Amulya Nayak sent the following messages at 5:19 AM

View Amulya’s profile Amulya Nayak

Amulya Nayak 5:19 AM

I'm good

Thanks for asking

Nana apna kemit achanti

Shantanu Panigrahi sent the following message at 5:31 AM

View Shantanu’s profile Shantanu Panigrahi

Shantanu Panigrahi (He/Him) 5:31 AM

Mu jimiti thilili abe shikhya paiki badali jaaichi. Ebe retirement re politics re besi interest rakhuchi, Labour Party join karibara prayas re kama karuchi.

Au tome sabhu kimiti accho>

Amulya Nayak sent the following messages at 7:18 AM

View Amulya’s profile Amulya Nayak

Amulya Nayak 7:18 AM


Mo lagi uk re gote kama dekha

Shantanu Panigrahi sent the following message at 10:01 AM

View Shantanu’s profile Shantanu Panigrahi

Shantanu Panigrahi (He/Him) 10:01 AM

Mu sai kama kari paribini.

Jun 11

Amulya Nayak sent the following message at 7:59 AM

View Amulya’s profile Amulya Nayak

Amulya Nayak 7:59 AM

Congrats on your 24 year anniversary at None!

Shantanu Panigrahi sent the following message at 8:53 AM

View Shantanu’s profile Shantanu Panigrahi

Shantanu Panigrahi (He/Him) 8:53 AM

Hello Amulya

Yes indeed, I am None, nothing. Best way to be. I envy nobody nay not I and nobody envies me. ToCenLonCtyCrtCircuitJudge(Why are you so quiet_ Is there no compromise that can cut through this cumbersome process?)10Jun2024.docx.


ToCenLonCtyCrtCircuitJudge(Why are you so quiet_Is there no compromise that can cut through this cumbersome process)10Jun2024.docx15 KB

Oct 11

Amulya Nayak sent the following messages at 8:07 AM

View Amulya’s profile Amulya Nayak

Amulya Nayak 8:07 AM

Nana 🙏

Kan khabara

Shantanu Panigrahi sent the following messages at 8:10 AM

View Shantanu’s profile Shantanu Panigrahi

Shantanu Panigrahi (He/Him) 8:10 AM

Thanks Amulya

I'll be in touch

View Shantanu’s profile Shantanu Panigrahi

Shantanu Panigrahi (He/Him) 8:53 AM

Mu ebe Wix too khabar payin apechya karuchi: ToWix(New Post by Shantanu Panigrahi_InfringmentLibertarianDemocracy)10Oct2024.docx attachment dekho Amulya.


ToWix(New Post by Shantanu Panigrahi_InfringementLibertarianDemocracy)10Oct2024.docx 15 KB


Amulya Nayak sent the following message at 4:40 AM

View Amulya’s profile Amulya Nayak

Amulya Nayak 4:40 AM

Nana happy Dusshera 🙏

Shantanu Panigrahi sent the following messages at 5:03 AM

View Shantanu’s profile Shantanu Panigrahi

Shantanu Panigrahi (He/Him) 5:03 AM



View Shantanu’s profile Shantanu Panigrahi

Shantanu Panigrahi (He/Him) 5:22 AM

Ebe kan Bhutan re accho

Amulya Nayak sent the following messages at 5:31 AM

View Amulya’s profile Amulya Nayak

Amulya Nayak 5:31 AM

Na nana

Tamilnadu re achi

Chicken slaughter house re kama karuchi

Shantanu Panigrahi sent the following message at 5:53 AM

View Shantanu’s profile Shantanu Panigrahi

Shantanu Panigrahi (He/Him) 5:53 AM

Ja hou prabhunkara iccha ru kama pai galo.

Amulya Nayak sent the following message at 10:40 AM

View Amulya’s profile Amulya Nayak

Amulya Nayak 10:40 AM

Han Nana

Shantanu Panigrahi sent the following message at 10:46 AM

View Shantanu’s profile Shantanu Panigrahi

Shantanu Panigrahi (He/Him) 10:46 AM



Amulya Nayak sent the following messages at 4:14 AM

View Amulya’s profile Amulya Nayak

Amulya Nayak 4:14 AM

Nana 🙏

Kan khabara

Shantanu Panigrahi sent the following messages at 5:38 AM

View Shantanu’s profile Shantanu Panigrahi

Shantanu Panigrahi (He/Him) 5:38 AM

Kichhi khabar nahin.


Roshan Bokhim Limbu

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    Shantanu Panigrahi sent the following messages at 5:47 AM

    View Shantanu’s profile Shantanu Panigrahi

    Shantanu Panigrahi (He/Him) 5:47 AM

    Hi Roshan,

    It's great connecting with you. How have you been?


Codrut Tabalae

    Codrut Tabalae

    Codrut Tabalae

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    Shantanu Panigrahi sent the following messages at 5:47 AM

    View Shantanu’s profile Shantanu Panigrahi

    Shantanu Panigrahi (He/Him) 5:47 AM

    Hi Codrut,

    It's great connecting with you. We both studied at University of Reading. How have you been?




from:    Shantanu Panigrahi <>

to:          Enquiries Medway County <>,

Central London DJSKEL <>

date:     18 Oct 2024, 06:42

subject:               J00ME572/E35YM660: APPEAL PETITION TO THE MONARCH



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