Legal Ombudsman File Reference: F172030 ERef:001106018602
Shantanu Panigrahi
To:Central London DJSKEL
Fri, 17 May at 05:23
Circuit Judge
Central London County Court
Your Honour
1. With regards to my Claim E35YM660, kindly consider the deduction that I have assessed this morning that the avenue of taking a matter to the Legal Ombudsman against a barrister for mishandling proceedings as Mr Forz has done is not sustainable for very long as the silence from the Legal Ombudsman and its continual side-stepping of the complaint with procedural misappropriations that it has been caught out perpetrating on me on to protect Mr Forz Khan from liability indicates; for which the evidence is contained in the following attachments:
(a) ToForzKhan(Thank you so much for your order_WithdrawalofComplaint)16May2024.docx
(b) ToForzKhan(Have you decided on the Effective date of Complaint being filed with you)16May2024.docx.
(c) ToLegalOmbudsman(LegalOmbudsman FileReference F172030 ERef 001106018602EffectiveDateofComplaint16May2024.docx)
(d) ToBarclaysccCenLonCtyCrtEastKentMagCrtLegalOmbudsmanForzKhan(DEADLINE FOR NON SUBJUDICE)16May2024.docx.
2. The irremovable fact of the matter that I would request Your Honour to consider this morning in light of these developments is whether the Hearing adjourned since 20 January 2023 on Claim E35YM660 as attached: CenLonCtyCrtNOTICEOFHEARINGOFAPPLICATION.pdf is now a closed matter with no Judgment being issued by the Court.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
United Kingdom
Tel: 07967789619
Download all attachments as a zip file
(a) ToForzKhan(Thank you so much for your order_WithdrawalofComplaint)16May2024.docx 377.5kB
(b) ToForzKhan(Have you decided on the Effective date of Complaint being filed with You)16May2024.docx 21.5kB
(c) ToLegalOmbudsman(Legal Ombudsman File Reference F172030 ERef 001106018602EffectiveDateofComplaint16May)16May2024.docx 20.3kB
(d) ToBarclaysccCenLonCtyCrtEastKentMagCrtLegalOmbudsmanForzKhan(DEADLINE FOR NON SUBJUDICE)16May2024.docx 788.3kB
Legal Ombudsman File Reference: F172030 ERef:001106018602
Central London DJSKEL
To:Shantanu Panigrahi
Fri, 17 May at 05:26
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