PHSO Case Ref: C-2093076
from: Shantanu Panigrahi <>
date: 20 Oct 2023, 16:22
subject: Re: PHSO Case Ref: C-2093076
Healthwatch Kent
Dear Sir?Madam
I have already been through the due process of directly having my complaint examined by NHS England that got channelled through to KMPTPALS, as attached: ToNHSEngland(Response)29Sep2023.docx. The final reply of KMPTPALS came this morning as attached: FrIanMarksKMPTPALS(ComplaintM23NOWT TO ADD) previous report that I requested a review on is attached also: FrKMPTPALS(Complaint Response)1 September 2023.doc.
I would appreciate it if you would undertake the Advocacy Role in this matter for I am without due reason classified as paranoid schizophrenic by the State as attached: FrBrittonHouse(CAREPLAN_DrEmmanuelleOranusi)3July202312July2023.doc.
As you will note they would not give me a face to face hearing with a fresh new Consultant Psychiatrist to discuss the matter now..
Please let me know if you would be able to handle this Case.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
United Kingdom
Tel: 07967789619
On Fri, 20 Oct 2023 at 14:43, Phso Enquiries <> wrote:
Dear Mr Panigrahi
Thank you for your email, on review, we can see that the Trust have asked you to be more specific about the concerns you would like reviewing. You will need to respond by email to them with your concerns, so they can be addressed.
Advocacy support
As an independent organisation we are not able support people through the NHS complaints process, but we can give you the contact details for a free NHS complaints advocacy service in your area. Their details are:
Healthwatch Kent
Once you have received a response that addresses your concerns, please forward it for our review.
Yours Sincerely
Anita Eastham
Intake Caseworker
Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman
T: 0345 015 4033
• Scanned by Gmail
FrKMPTPALS(Complaint Response)1 September 2023.doc
RE: Automatic reply: [External] Re: FW: Your complaint to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (our ref C-2114484)
from: Shantanu Panigrahi <>
to: "CONTACTUS, England (NHS ENGLAND - X24)" <>
date: 29 Sept 2023, 17:17
subject: Re: Automatic reply: [External] Re: FW: Your complaint to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (our ref C-2114484)
Dear Sir/Madam
I would like your Consultant Psychiatrists in mental hospital and those in the Care in the Community to begin their assessment of mental conditions that supposedly patients suffer from as a result of State-Establishment organised persecution, instead of looking at how their brains function to treat them with mental health medications and electroconvulsive therapy and keeping them locked up as political persecution, for reasons that should be apparent to you here:
Mental health is entirely a social phenomenon brought on by inappropriate conditions under which people live in a dictatorial authoritarian State like the United Kingdom. The sooner this changes the less ignorance would be prevalent and people can live happily doing their jobs and getting on with life without fear of being subjected to Consultant Forensic Psychiatrists as I was once subjected to and the falsely being arrested no fewer than six times by the Police for alleged stalking and sending of malicious communications that I was not responsible for as it was the State that had tortured me for 26 years for taking my employers through the justice system that the State did not like as the State wishes everyone to live like slaves.
Shall I go on with additional clarification or can you now contact Britton House and see if they would now give me a face-to-face appointment so that I can prove that I am not just the sanest person in the world today but the sanest who has ever walked on the face of the Earth in the history of mankind, not deserving to be incarcerated in a mental hospital as happened in 2004 and 2008 and certainly not deserving to have a criminal record that the State is currently attempting to concoct by framed offences.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
United Kingdom
Tel: 07967789619
On Fri, 29 Sept 2023 at 16:19, CONTACTUS, England (NHS ENGLAND - X24) <> wrote:
Dear Sir/Madam,
Thank you for taking the time to contact NHS England Customer Contact Centre.
In order for us to be able to advise appropriate could I please ask for further information on how you would like us to help at NHS England Customer Contact Centre?
I look forward to your reply.
Kind Regards,
NHS England
PO Box 16738 | Redditch | B97 9PT
0300 3 11 22 33
From: Shantanu Panigrahi <>
Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2023 7:14 AM
To: Sheffield Road <>;;; CONTACTUS, England (NHS ENGLAND - X24) <>
Subject: Fwd: Automatic reply: [External] Re: FW: Your complaint to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (our ref C-2114484)
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NHS England
Citizens Advice Bureau, Gillingham, Kent
The Charity Commission
Dear Sir/Madam
The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman has responded to my complaints against you and has said that I had not gone through the due process of bringing this matter through your official procedures of complaints so that it is tentatively holding the file open for us to go through these procedures first.
Kindly let me know individually what your official procedures are for me to register my complaints formally.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
United Kingdom
Tel: 07967789619
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Phso Enquiries <>
Date: Wed, 27 Sept 2023 at 18:19
Subject: Automatic reply: [External] Re: FW: Your complaint to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (our ref C-2114484)
To: Shantanu Panigrahi <>
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Complaint M23-06-127149
to: Shantanu Panigrahi <>
date: 20 Oct 2023, 11:16
subject: RE: Complaint M23-06-127149
Signed by:
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: Important according to Google magic.
Dear Dr Panigrahi
Thank you for your e-mail, I do not have anything to add to the e-mail I sent to you yesterday.
Yours sincerely
Ian Marks
PALS & Complaints Officer
Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust
Priority House
Hermitage Lane
ME16 9PH
0800 587 6757
From: Shantanu Panigrahi <>
Sent: 19 October 2023 19:39
Subject: Re: Complaint M23-06-127149
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Mr Marks
When I wrote to Maidstone Crown Court today that the private prosecution that I started requires immediate action, the Court and the Parliamentary and Health Ombudsman can maintain their silence all they like, but the accusation of State-organised terrorism on me will not go away: Complaint M23-06-127149 ( Britton House colluded with Kent Police over the past few years of Police referral of myself to Mental Health Team to try and consign me into a mental hospital again when I am perfectly sane. For this reason the State prevented me from getting direct access face-to-face with a Consultant Psychiatrist at Britton House despite me being directly referred to the Community Mental Health Team by my GP 6 weeks or so ago.
What have you got to say about this.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
United Kingdom
Tel: 07967789619
Dear Dr Panigrahi
Thank you for your e-mail of 12 October, please accept my apologies for the delay in responding.
If you are not satisfied with our response to a complaint, the normal process is, for you to tell us specifically which parts of the response you are not happy with and your reasons for being dissatisfied. Your e-mail simply asks us to review our response, this does not provide us with enough information to reopen your complaint, however I note that you say you have referred your complaint to the PHSO, if they accept your referral and think that there is more that we can do, they will let us know.
Yours sincerely
Ian Marks
PALS & Complaints Officer
Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust
Priority House
Hermitage Lane
ME16 9PH
0800 587 6757
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Kent and Medway
NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust
PALS & Complaints Team
Priority House
Hermitage Lane
ME16 9PH
Tel: 0800 587 6757
Our Ref: M23-06-127149
1st September 2023
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Dear Dr Panigrahi
I am writing in response to the concerns you raised in your email sent to PALS and Complaints Team on 29th June 2023. Your complaint points, about your recent experience without service, were investigated by Helen Clark, Clinical Manager – Medway and Swale Crisis Resolution Home Treatment Team (CRHTT). Our response to your concerns outlined below are based on the findings of Helen Clark’s investigation.
1) You had an appointment booked and you asked that this be face-to-face. There are two reasons why you needed an appointment, that your wife had arranged with Issac the previous week, to be face-to-face. The first reason is that it would have given you both a chance to see Dr Emanuell Oranusi, as your wife is your carer, and that is not possible in a one-to-one telephone consultation appointment.
It would not confirm whether you were, pr not, in Secondary Care as a patient of Britton House and that Britton House was merely responding to your GP’s request, several months ago, for a medication review in view of his concern that your prolactin levels were elevated due to risperidone causing this side effect.
On reviewing your notes, I can see that your GP requested a medication review initially on the 6th March 2023 due to concerns with elevated prolactin levels and the Community Mental Health Team (CMHT) booked a medical review on receiving this request.
I can see that you emailed the PALS team on the 21st June 2023 requesting a face to face appointment instead and I can conform that this was forwarded to the Medway CMHT Managers by email the same day. This request was reviewed by the Managers and a request was forwarded to Admin to change the appointment to a face to face appointment. It unfortunately appears that this was not actioned as planned resulting in your medical appointment being via telephone instead.
When a patieint spontaneously requests a face to face appointment this should be followed up and accommodated and I apologise that this did not happen inthis case. The limited availability of medical statff at present may have resulted in the appointment being booked at a later date than that was originally offered via telephone. The Team apologises for the email request not being reviewed and actioned appropriately.
2) You have not had a Care plan from Britton House for close to two years so how is your diagnosis now? It would have had to have inputs from your wife. As it turned out, following the appointment, all you were told about the diagnosis and prognosis by Dr Oranusi was not to worry about it and on prognosis he said that as long as you are stable keep going as it were.
Two years ago he read from Michael Quarms notes that you were paranoid schizophrenic and he assumed that this was still the case. You would like to let him know that paranoid schizophrenia from your personal experience is a symptom of how the mind is working and if the mind can be trained by personal effort of yoga, it disappears.
What is the condition for you now, not what it was two years ago? How could a telephone conversation without inputs from your wife as carer ascertain that? All Britton House was doing, as it has consistently done over several years since Dr Odesanya released you to Primary Care, is to get you off their books as a patient.
Your current referral to the CMHT has been open since the 9th January 2023. A letter was sent to your GP following your medical review on 3 July 2023 which states that the letter serves as your care plan for the service and it includes your diagnosis and current treatment plan. This medical review was booked following a request from your GP due to concerns regarding raised prolactin levels. On reviewing the notes, I can confirm that there is no evidence of requests from yourself of your GP to reviewing your diagnosis. A diagnostic review would only usually be booked if a patient has not received a diagnosis previously or there have been concerns raised that a patient may not be on the correct treatment pathway.
3) The second reason that you needed a face-to-face appointment is for the proceedings of the Employment Tribunal pending consideration at EAT, as attached to your complaint. The Tribunal and Defendant will no dout insist that the medical report from Britton Hous should cover the entire period from 1998 July. This is when you were said to suffer from Severe Depression with Psychotic Features and then when you were sectioned in the Mental Hospital in 2004 and again in 2008 from Persistent Deulsional Disorder. Dr Masoud then diagnosed you for paranoid schizophrenia and this was continued with by Dr Odesanya who subsequently diagnosed you to be autistic based on a questionnaire assessment. This was despite your GP securing out of area funding and was not followed up in Maudsley Hospital London.
Finally, mention was made by a subsequent Consultant Psychiartirst that you had bipolar with delusions. Now Dr Oranusis is saying Paranoid schizophrenia again. All this will not go down well with the Employment Appeal Tribunal until a coherent set of the aetiology and development of your mental illness over the past 26 years is summarised in the Defendant’s response.
As per the EAT1 Form; you are claiming that you should have been placed in medical retirement if you are still under Secondary Care and it will strengthen your arguments to EAT. You hope that we can persuade Britton House of your concerns and a full report produced as you are without any income except for a small pension and the cost of living has risen dramatically in recent months so that you need your money from the University of Greenwich.
On reviewing your records, I can confirm that there is no evidence to suggest that there has been a request for the CMHT to provide evidence to any employment tribunal regarding your current mental health. The CMHT could provide information and reports to third parties regarding your diagnoses, treatment plan and prognosis if this is formally requested and consent to information sharing signed. If you still feel you require this support from us please do contact us to discuss how to initiate this request.
This concludes the investigation and I hope you feel that each of the points you made has been carefully considered and responded to and that our response feels both respectful and helpful.
Yours sincerely
Shurland Wilson
Service Director
For further details of how your personal data is managed by the organisation please visti
We are proud to be smoke free
Trust Chair – Dr Jackie Craissati
Chief Executive – Helen Greatorex
Kent and Medway
NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust
Medway Community Mental Health Team
Britton House
Britton Farm
High Street
Kent ME7 1AL
T: 0300 303 3189
Our Ref: GP/EO/mlh
Date: 03 July 2023 (received 11 July 2023)
Clinic date: 26 June 2023
Dr A Shah
Long Catlis Road Surgery
Parkwood Health Centre
Long Catlis Road
Dear Dr Shah
Mr Shantanu Panigrahi
NHS Number: 628 477 1487 Date of birth: 8 Aug 1957
Primary Address: 3 Hoath Lane, Gillingham, Kent, ME8 0SL
Paranoid Schizophrenia
Current Medications:
Risperidone 2 mg bd
Sertraline 150 mg daily
Depakote 500 mg
Proposed Changes
-to take risperidone 4 mg at night, no morning dose
-to start aripiprazole 5 mg daily
-to increase Depakote to 500 mg morning and 750 mg nocte
-tocontinue with sertraline 150 mg daily
I spoke to Shantanu via telephone for a scheduled appointment on 26/06/23. He described being in crisis over a period of time and has been arrested by police four times in the last 18 months. He said he was accused of stalking, malicious communications and harassment. He tells me that he attended Medway Police Station recently for further questioning. He believes that Trolls hacked into his email and were responsible for all the police have accused him of but the police are not having it. His laptop and phones were taken away by the police. He also informed me that he took the Greenwich University to tribunal and lost the case. He believes that the state is against him and want to repatriate him back to India but says he is not going anywhere as he will resist them.
He lives with his family and is unemployed. He is undergoing some therapy at the moment and that seems to be helping him to cope with current crisis. He is also planning for holidays with his family to Turkey and India. His appetite is good and sleeps about 4 to 6 hours at night and naps during the day. He smokes about 10 to 12 cigarettes a day but no alcohol of illicit drug use. He is complaint with meds and has not reported any side effects. He is willing to continue taking treatment.
On the phone, he sounded worried but was able to ventilate his mind. His speech was normal in rate and volume but content mixed with delusional ideas. In answer to my question he wondered whether it is because of his illness that he is reasoning the way he is. He described his mood as being up and down and most times feels depressed. He did not express suicidal ideas and there is no indication that he is physically harmful to anyone. In my view, the major risk is that of believing his delusional ideas and acting on them and also being vulnerable on the social media if he continues his exploits on the social media. His insight is limited and does appear to have capacity to consent on his treatment.
The suggested changes which he agrees with is as outlined above. GP to please adjust repeat prescriptions accordingly.
Yours sincerely
Dr Emmanuel Oranusi
Locum Consultant Psychiatrist
Medway Community Mental Health Team
Private & Confidential
Cc Mr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Freephone number for the Samaritans: 116 123
Whatever you’re going through, call us free at any time, from any phone on 116 123.
We’re here round the clock, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you need a response immediately, it’s best to call us on the phone. This number is FREE to call. You don’t have to be suicidal to call us. Call us now on 116 123 – 0800 567 7699
Mental Health Matters – 0800 107 0160
Samaritans – 116 123
NHS – 111
GP and out of hours GP services
Urgent Mental Health Helpline – 0800 783 9111
Trust Chair: Dr Jackie Craissati
Chief Executive: Helen Greatorex
Trust Headquarters: Priority House, Hermitage Lane, Maidstone, Kent, Kent, ME16 9PH
For further details about how your personal data is managed by the organisation please visit
Automatic reply: PHSO Case Ref: C-2093076
from: Healthwatch Kent Information <> via
to: Shantanu Panigrahi <>
date: 20 Oct 2023, 16:23
subject: Automatic reply: PHSO Case Ref: C-2093076
Signed by:
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Thank you for your email.
We are unable to respond directly right now but we really do appreciate the time you have taken to contact us.
Please help us by completing our client information sheet here. The information you share will allow us to form a picture of what is happening in your area. If you have asked for support, it will help us to prepare appropriate information and signposting for you.
When we do respond to you, we can help in two ways:
1. We can offer free Information & Signposting to help you understand what support you are entitled to and to find the services that are available to you. Although we can’t handle formal complaints about services, we can let you know how to complain and who to direct it to.
2. We also want to hear your experiences of local health and social care services. If you have left us feedback, thank you for taking the time to share your story with us. We will anonymise your story and share it directly with the people who organise and commission the service. We use every story that we hear to improve services for those that use them. We want to hear about the good, and not so good stories, about ANY health or social care service in Kent.
We are a small team, if you have asked for assistance, we will get back to you as soon as we can. Currently, due to unforeseen circumstances this may take up to 12 working days.
If you can’t wait that long, you can always complete our online feedback form to share your story with us. You can get started by clicking here: Have Your Say - Kent | EK360
We’ll want to know when your story happened and what was the name of the service. So, for example, we will need the name of the GP or Care Home to enable us to feedback your story. Everything will be anonymous, so you don’t need to worry about them knowing who you are.
You can also find information on how to make a complaint on our website here: Help to make a complaint | Healthwatch
If you are emailing about an urgent health issue, please call the NHS 111 service or visit NHS 111 online.
Kind regards,
Information Helpline
Healthwatch Kent
Seabrooke House, Church Road, Ashford, Kent, TN23 1RD
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