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Re: Auto-Reply from Folkestone Magistrates Court Complaint expanded

Writer: Shantanu PanigrahiShantanu Panigrahi

Re: Auto-Reply from Folkestone Magistrates Court Complaint expanded


from: Shantanu Panigrahi <>

to: Northkent <>,

Force Control Kent <>,,,

Ravina Karir <>,

eastkentmc <>,

Civil Appeals - Registry <>

date: 8 Oct 2023, 06:45

subject: Fwd: Auto-Reply from Folkestone Magistrates Court Complaint expanded


Dear Sirs/Madam

I have just now received the below email that I considered to be a criminal anonymous email, but of late decided that the State authorities from the secrecy of operations have sent this email in order to preserve the functioning of the State by directing the proceedings towards a satisfactory conclusion.

As such I will cooperate with the provisions of the decisions that are the result of a Complaint that I filed at Folkestone Magistrates Court over the past 48 hours of a widespread criminal conspiracy against me to terrorise me, victimise me, persecute me, obstruct justice and pervert the course of justice.

Thus, I am happy to go along with what has been decided and will attend the Trial Hearing of 10 November 2023, 2 pm at North Kent Magistrates Court sitting at Medway Magistrates Court which the State authorities say now will take place over 3 days; as attached: LetterfromNKMCHearingTrial10Nov2023_2pm.pdf.

Should any of the parties in the dispute have submissions to make to the Court for the Trial Hearing of myself kindly forward me a copy of the same for my preparations.

I am copying this email to Master Bancroft-Rimmer at the Court of Appeal who is discharging his duties under Court Case Reference No CA-2023-000750.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

United Kingdom

Tel: 07967789619

---------- Forwarded message ---------

From: Shantanu Panigrahi <>

Date: Sun, 8 Oct 2023 at 05:48

Subject: Re: Auto-Reply from Folkestone Magistrates Court Complaint expanded

To: <>, <>, <>, <>, <>


All Concerned

Dear Sirs/Madams


Upon receipt of fresh information I have reconsidered the subject matter of my email below and redact and withdraw it. I now confirm my new lawyers will be Wayne Crowhurst but not June Banfield at Vyman Solicitors working in collaboration with the fee spirit Marie Dancer of Richard Nelson LLP, who has danced around the subject but finally communicated to me her acceptance of my instructions in return for a spontaneous ad hoc share in the proceeds of our joint venture.

The fresh information for which I thank Counsellor M.Mulhouse of Switzerland and his office in Moldova is undeniable proof that Olive Solicitors, whom I dishonourably discharge with maximum prejudice and immediate effect, are absolute saale, coincidentally a word derivate from "Sale", the surname of one of the principal and unprincipled criminal conspirators extorting me in this giant supernational intrigue, junglee-bhosadiwale suar and more suited for work with monkey and dogpig than with advanced tail-less ape.

He brought to my attention the following passage from the instruction letter Olive Solicitors served on me on 19 April 2023 and signed by Ravina Karir as part of the proceedings -

"Dear Sirs

Re: Criminal Law Matter

I write further to your attendance at Medway Police Station on the 28th March 2023 to thank you for instructing Olives Solicitors in connection with your arrest, detention, interview and charge of Malicious Communications. We confirm that we shall be pleased to act for you in the matter.

This letter, and the accompanying terms and conditions of business, set out the basis under which we will carry out the work on your behalf. They explain how we we will manage your matter and detail the people who will be responsible for the work. They also set out how your case will be funded.

Please do read both the letter and terms of business carefully, but do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries or would like to discuss any term further.

Responsibility for your matter

I am a Trainee Solicitor and shall have day-to-day conduct and supervision of your mater, under the supervision of Mr Dotun Ogunfolu who is the principle of the firm with overall responsibility."

If a negligent lackadaisical ignorant attitude, more suited to the Wilds of Darkest Africa than to a respected nation of morons in a Police State, was to be better demonstrated to me, I would be shocked. Olive's confusion of "the principal of the firm" with "the principle of the firm" indicates to me most emphatically as a vishishta-advaitist that it would be reckless of me to entrust the collection of the minimum of the ten million pounds due to me from the Treasury to a law firm of illiterate buffoons like Olive Solicitors.

Is that clear enough?

Not content with mangling there, this madarchod also gratuitously refers to my late mother, a suicide, stating "I......shall have day-to-day conduct and supervision of your mater". My beloved mother does not need any supervision and certainly not from monkeys.

Kindly keep me abreast of the progress of my existing formal complaint against you made to the Solicitors Regulation Authority, and to which you must append this new provocation of your ignorance of even elementary English language, notifying the SRA by 4pm on Monday and copying me in to that notification.

I benefited from studying under Father Rego and not some tribal witch-doctor like the "principle" of that firm or his "mater". I hope that too is understood.

All these will provide new material for my Dancer to produce in court in all three sets of criminal proceedings and implicate Sandra who operates under two surnames, White for the CPO and Taylor for the Police, which is an impudent abuse of separation of the judiciary and executive and a clearest

manifestation of malfeasance in public office in her other-than-lawful plotting to protect the several culprits in Medway by diverting proceedings to Folkestone, greatly inconveniencing and handicapping me too.

This malicious work necessitates me to irrevocably withdraw my Guilty Plea on the fitted-up phoney Speeding Offence and demand a three-day hearing before the Court, and give me due time to prepare my counter-prosecution of Sandra White-Taylor.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

Tel: 07967789619 or my duly appointed legal representatives on 03338884040

----- Original message -----

From: Shantanu Panigrahi <>

To: Ravina Karir <>,

Bcc: Shantanu Panigrahi <>

Date: 7 Oct 2023, 09:03

Subject: Auto-Reply from Folkestone Magistrates Court Complaint expanded


1. Olives Solicitors

2. Sandra White at KentCPO

Dear Sir/Madam

This is to notify you that I have filed a complaint at Folkestone Magistrates Court, the acknowledgment of which is shown below.

This concerns criminal conspiracy to obstruct justice and pervert the course of justice against me over the last 6 months that the case of Speeding Offence of 5 October 2022, the Stalking allegation made against me by Kent Police and the Malicious Communications made against me by Kent Police since 15 September 2021.

The essential points that I have discovered is that having proven a Judicial and Law Enforcement Conspiracy between North Kent Magistrates Court sitting at Medway Magistrates Court that led to no decision on the unlawfulness of the Bail conditions imposed on me by Kent Police that are now extended to 18 December 2023/21December 2023. and no Directions issued by the Magistrates at

this Court on how the matter should progress, Sandra White has sought to change the venue for the assessment to Folkestone Magistrates Court so as to not bring the culprits at Medway Magistrates Court and Kent Police to answer the charges that I have levelled against them for good reason as you can now understand.

There was no reason for the Court to hold a Hearing at Folkestone Magistrates Court on the 17 of October 2023 as I had changed my plea of not guilty to guilty specifically on the Speeding Offence and an immediate decision could have been announced by Medway Magistrates Court on the penalties that I offered to honour in this regard.

I therefore consider the Hearing of 17 October 2023 to be invalid and null and void until this complaint against Sandra White has been examined as outlined.

Olives Solicitors remain my official Duty Solicitors as it has signed a contractual agreement that it would act on my behalf, as attached: FrOlivesSolicitors19April2023.docx. Any attempt by Olives Solicitors to renege on the agreement to correspond with the Court system and Kent Police

on the Case now will be regarded as part and parcel of the criminal conspiracy against me.

Yours sincerely

Dr Shantanu Panigrahi

3 Hoath Lane



Kent ME8 0SL

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North Kent Magistrates’ Court (1966)

Sitting at Medway Magistrates Court

ALL ENQUIRIES: PO BOX CH4, The Courthouse, The Brook, Chatham, ME4 4JZ

Tel: 01634 830232, Fas: 0870 324 0037 Email:

Office Opening Hours: 9.00am to 5pm, Monday to Friday







[Received: 11.30 am 7 June 2023]

Case number: 0462300074226

Born: 8 August 1957

URN: 46SJ1327123

Summons on Referral to Court

A magistrate has decided that your case should be referred to a full court hearing

On 10 November 2023 at 2.00 pm

At Medway Magistrates’ Court

The Courthouse, PO Box CH4, The Brook, Chatham, Kent, ME4 4JZ (telephone 01634 830232).


For trial


If you attend court, you must arrive 30 minutes before the time shown above. A listing time is not a guaranteed hearing time. You may be required to wait.


If you do not attend, the court may still deal with the case in your absence. If the court does not have up to date information about your financial circumstances you maybe ordered to pay a fine that is more than you can afford.

Date: 1 June 2023


Charge initiated by: Chief Constable KENT POLICE of Medway Police Station, Pursers Way, Eastbridge, Gillingham, Kent, ME7 1NE

462300074226/1 Date of Charge: 05/04/2023

Prosecutor Reference: 2300XX0000000004742D

On 05/10/2022 at Boxley om the county of Kent drove a motor vehicle, namely a FORD FIESTA TITANIUM TURBO – 5 DOOR SALOON Index GH17AZZW, on a road, namely A229 Chatham Road, subject to a local traffic order, namely The Kent Council (Various Roads, Maidstone) (Speed Limits) (Consolidation)Order 2020, at a speed exceeding 50 miles per hour.

Contrary to the above local traffic Order and sections 84 and 89(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and Schedule 2 to the Road Traffic Offenders Act 1988.

The sentence for this offence can be endorsed on your driving record


Dr Shantanu PANIGRAHI 2 June 2023/SUMRTC_47_0/8298/1

North Kent Magistrates’s Court

Code 1966


Referral to Full Court Hearing

Your case was considered by the court under the single justice procedure. However, owing to the reasons given, your case has now been referred to a hearing before a full magistrates’ court. For information on the reason, see below.

For trial

At the next hearing, the magistrates will receive evidence either in the form of written statements or from any witnesses that attends court. You must attend, and bring with you any witness that you will call to give evidence on your behalf. If you do not agree with any statement being read to the court, you must inform the prosecution immediately.

Advice and help

If you need advice on what to do you should get help from a lawyer or advice agency at once. If you cannot afford a lawyer, you may be able to get free advice about your case. For more information see

Do not wait until you come to court.

If you need any general help about this summons contact the court office. PLEASE NOTE: Court staff are not able to give you specific advice on how to respond to the allegation.

Dr Shantanu PANIGRAHI 2 June 2023/SUMRTC_47_0/8298/1


Automatic Response


from: northkent <>

to: Shantanu Panigrahi <>

date: 8 Oct 2023, 06:46

subject: Automatic Response


Signed by:

security: Standard encryption (TLS) Learn more

: Important according to Google magic.

Thank you for your email.

We have received your query and will ensure that the relevant person deals with it as soon as possible.

Please do not re-send your query, as this will not result in it being dealt with any sooner.

Please note: Court staff are not legally trained and so are unable to offer legal advice.

If you are uncertain how to proceed, information can be found at If you are in doubt it is best to seek professional legal advice from a solicitor or Citizens Advice Bureau.

Need to make a complaint? Get started here:

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Automatic Response


from: Civil Appeals - Registry <>

to: Shantanu Panigrahi <>

date: 8 Oct 2023, 06:46

subject: Automatic Response


Signed by:

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: Important according to Google magic.

Thank you for your email.

Legal Representatives

Pursuant Practice Direction 51O of the CPR, all documents must be filed via CE-File. Any documents received via post or email will be destroyed via confidential waste, only documents with cheques will be returned to you


CE-File Information & Support

For Unrepresented Parties only

URGENT applications should be submitted to the court via email to this address: between 9am and 4.15 pm

What may be deemed as urgent:

Cases where in the interests of justice a substantive decision is required within 7 days. The types of work listed below fall into this category

• Child cases

• Committal appeals

• Applications for stay of removal

• Evictions

• Cases (including ancillary applications) with a hearing listed in the Court of Appeal within the next month

• Applications for an urgent stay of execution

• Covid-19 related cases e.g., medical guidance regarding priority patients

NON-URGENT applications should be emailed to:

This auto response is confirmation that your email has been received and you will not receive a separate acknowledgement. Staff will follow the internal processes that have been established to process your application as quickly as possible.

All appellant’s notices will be accepted in the first instance on the basis that they may be rejected at a later date for want of jurisdiction.

Fresh applications for permission to appeal must include:

• a completed appellant’s notice (form N161)

• grounds of appeal on a separate sheet

• The appropriate court fee via your PBA account, a completed Help with Fees form (EX160) or by contacting the RCJ Fees Office on 0203 936 8957 or by emailing between the hours of 10:00am and 16:00pm, Monday to Friday (except bank holidays)

• a copy of the sealed order being appealed.

• A transcript of judgment should also be provided if available (or should be ordered immediately)

The public counter at E307 (Registry) remains closed, however a drop box facility is available at the main entrance into the Royal Courts of Justice.

Once the appellant’s notice is issued, all queries should be emailed to the appropriate following addresses:

The court will issue orders electronically in the first instance.

You can find contact details for other courts in other jurisdictions at the Courts & Tribunals Finder.

For information on how HMCTS uses personal data about you please see:

Customer feedback

The Court of Appeal – Civil Division accepts online complaints through the HMCTS online complaint form:

The online customer feedback system has been designed to help customers make an administrative complaint through the HM Courts & Tribunals Service process. It will also help us to learn from customer feedback to feed into possible improvements to the way we work.


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