RE: Speeding Offence: Options of Speed Awareness Course of Payment of Fine2
Shantanu Panigrahi <>
Thu, 10 Nov at 12:51
Dear Sir/Madam
I had asked you to reschedule this booking until the legal outcome of the deliberations of the authorities is known: please refer to my email to you: ToKDE_kentgovuk(SpeedingBookingConfirmation)2Nov2022.doc, updated as attached: ToCenLonCtyCrtAGOKentPoliceCCMCC10Nov2022.docx.
I am sorry that you did not reply or perhaps you did not receive my 2 Nov 2022 email, or you would have informed Kent Police of the proceedings in place on the Hate Crime perpetrated on me and my family by Kent Police over the past decade. This would have prevented a lot of heartaches.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Tel: 07967789619
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On Thursday, 10 November 2022 at 12:33:02 GMT, <> wrote:
Good afternoon, Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
Thank you for contacting the Kent Driver Education Team.
Unfortunately, Kent County Council are unable to assist you with this enquiry as we are a course provider for Kent Police, and as such we would not have access to all your records as we only require limited information which would allow you to attend and complete a course in Kent.
You will need to contact Kent Police directly on 01622 650 200 Option 1 to discuss this further.
If after contacting Kent Police, you wish to make any changes to your booking please us know.
However, if you wish to remain on your existing National Speed Awareness Course on 11 January 2022, then you need to take no other action other than to read all the information sent to you on 26 October 2022 and follow the advice to ensure you are prepared for your course.
Kind Regards
Kent Driver Education Team
From: Shantanu Panigrahi <>
Sent: 09 November 2022 15:45
To: Kent Driver Education - GT <>
Subject: Re: Speeding Offence: Options of Speed Awareness Course of Payment of Fine
You don't often get email from Learn why this is important
Dear Kent Driver Education Team
Was Kent Police not aware of this booking made on Wed, 26 Oct 2022 at 11:36 that the records show when it sent me out of the blue the attached email: L021122-Complaint outcome so is now requiring me to pay the fine instead from what I understand of the legalities involved?
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
On Wednesday, 9 November 2022 at 14:57:24 GMT, <> wrote:
Dear Dr Shantanu Panigrahi,
Thank you for your email.
As you are currently booked for a National Speed Awareness Course on 11 January 2023, you do not need to pay for the fine and take any further points on your driving licence. The course is designed to be an alternative to that course of action.
Please note this is for the driving offence with police reference 0463140442065920.
I hope that answers your question fully, please contact me if you have any further questions regarding this matter.
Kind Regards
Kent Driver Education Team
Matt Parsons | Support Officer | Commercial Team | Highways & Transportation | Kent County Council | Floor 1, Invicta House, Maidstone, ME14 1XX | External: 03000 411554 | Follow us on Twitter @kent_cc
From: Shantanu Panigrahi <>
Sent: 09 November 2022 14:12
To:; Kent Driver Education - GT <>
Subject: Speeding Offence: Options of Speed Awareness Course of Payment of Fine
You don't often get email from Learn why this is important
Driver Diversion
Kent Police
Dear Sirs
In connection with the following Speeding Offence matter, I am unclear as to what the final decision is of Kent Police - please refer Running Commentary on Legal proceedings: 11.18 am (UK-Time) 9 November 2022 (
If it is the Fine that Kent Police is imposing, kindly let me know how much extra I need to pay over and above the £92 that I have paid for the Speed Awareness Course, and how many points I already have on my driving licence from the 2017 Speeding Offence if it has not already elapsed with the passage of time, so that I can do what is necessary.
I wish to put all of this behind me.
Thank you
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Tel: 07967789619
Download all attachments as a zip file
(a) ToKDE_kentgovuk(SpeedingBooking Confirmation)2Nov25022.docx 19.3kB
(b) ToCenLonCtyCrtMedCtyCrtAGOKentPoliceCCMCC10Nov2022.docx 19.6kB
Booking Confirmation - KDE0137927
AttachmentsWed, 26 Oct, 11:36 (7 days ago)
Dear Shantanu Panigrahi National Speed Awareness - Course Confirmation Letter Thank you for your course payment of £92.00. Please find below confirmation of you
from: Shantanu Panigrahi <>
date: 2 Nov 2022, 18:10
subject: Re: Booking Confirmation - KDE0137927
Dear Sirs
There have been some crossed lines in this matter that the Home Office and the Central London County Court are currently in the middle of examination with a report expected by 29 November 2022 as shown in the links here:
FOI 72615 - (Shantanu Panigrahi) - 2022-11-01 - (Acknowledgment) (
Kindly reschedule my appointment for Speed Awareness Course attendance if this is the decision of the State authorities, if it is not then of course I will pursue the option of Appealing in accordance with the email sent to me by Kent Police this morning. If a refund of the £92 that I have already paid in good faith believing that I had followed the correct procedures on the documents that I had received from Kent Police, is due to me please let me know and I shall telephone you with my Bank Card details.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Tel: 07967789619
On Wed, 26 Oct 2022 at 11:36, <> wrote:
Dear Shantanu Panigrahi
National Speed Awareness - Course Confirmation Letter
Thank you for your course payment of £92.00. Please find below confirmation of your course details.
Your Ref: KDE0137927
Driving Licence Number: PANIG508087S98CL
Course Venue: Online Digital Classroom Course Kent 2
Course Date: Wednesday
1315 to 1600
Course details
The National Speed Awareness Course is a 2 hour and 45-minute course including a 10-minute break, which teaches attendees to:
identify various speed limits and to stay within the limits
help them recognise why it is not safe to speed
recognise the potential consequences if they speed
recognise and resist pressure to speed from themselves and others around them.
see hazards that may not be easy to notice when driving.
Once completed, attendees leave with an action plan about how to avoid speeding in the future.
How do I prepare for and join the course on the Digital Platform ZOOM?
Please make sure that you are able to use Zoom by downloading the zoom app Launching-Zoom-from-a-web-browser as there will only be limited support on the day of the course.
You MUST ensure you have held a test Zoom meeting prior to your course and viewed the video which helps with troubleshooting ; as there will only be limited support on the day of the course.
When logging into the meeting you can either use the URL link or meeting ID and password.
You will be sent an email 'KCC Zoom Meeting Link' inviting you to attend your digital classroom session. This will only be sent to you 48 hours before your course start time
The URL link is sent automatically. Please check your spam and junk folders but if you cannot find it, please email on the day before your course and we will resend this to you.
Valid Photocard ID
You will need to show your Photocard Driving Licence for validation of your attendance which will be checked against the register.
Please note: You will not be admitted if you do not bring with you, valid photographic identification. Further details can be found here
Failure to produce photographic ID will result in no admittance onto the course and you will incur a re-booking fee or be returned to the police to discuss your options.
Only original documents are acceptable forms of ID. Copies are not permitted.
Childcare provision
Please note if you do not have childcare provision for the duration of the course you will not be allowed to attend and if we are able to rebook you, this will incur a rebooking fee
On the day of the course, you will need.
A quiet room where you will not be interrupted for the duration of the course.
An electronic device will be required with built in camera and speakers or a device with webcam and speakers.
Ensure your device is fully charged and plugged in for the duration of the course as your battery main drain very quickly.
Please ensure you have previously downloaded the Zoom app and tested your audio and video settings.
Stable internet connection for approximately 3 hours duration.
Attending the Course
Click on the URL link or type in the passcode ID and password.
Have paper and pen ready to make notes from the course.
Valid Photographic ID - see above.
Further course details
Registration can take 20 minutes so please be patient, we know you are in the waiting area.
As this course is reliant on you having good internet connectivity, if you do drop out you will have 5 minutes to return, or for security, the course is locked. If you are unable to re-enter the meeting, please email they will discuss with you your options including the rebooking fee.
You may have assistance from a third party to help you to set up your electronic device however they will not be permitted to stay in the room once the course has started.
If you require an Interpreter to attend the course with you, you must contact the office prior to the course date by emailing and confirming the name of your interpreter. They must be at least 16 years old and must also have valid photographic ID.
You will not be permitted into the virtual classroom if you are late, and you will need to contact the Kent Driver Education Team be emailing or by calling them on 03000 411554 between 08:00 and 15:00 Monday to Friday.
Important Information
Recordings of the course are not permitted and includes screen shots and any digital productions taken from the session will not be allowed.
If a client is found recording and taking pictures of the course their course offer will be withdrawn and their file will be returned to the referring Police Force.
Use of electronic devices including mobile phones
If you are expecting an urgent call, in relation to an emergency health condition, a maximum of 5 minutes will be allowed. If the call duration is longer, you will not be able to continue your course.
If there is a requirement for you to use your mobile phone, app, or other software on your electronic device as an aid to assist you to attend and complete your course, KCC will make any reasonable adjustment to allow this. Please contact the Kent Driver Education Team prior to your course date to discuss your request. Please also discuss this with trainer at registration, so that they can advise you of any security requirements to ensure the data protection of all attendees.
All other electronic devices must be switched to ‘Do Not Disturb’, ‘Meeting’ or ‘Silent’ with the vibrate function turned off, and they must be stored out of sight. Where a client is seen to be actively using a device during the course, they will be asked to leave. Only one warning may be given in cases where this is deemed accidental.
Failure to Attend or complete the Digital Platform Course
If you fail to attend a course, are refused admittance, or fail to complete the course for example
Your internet connection has failed.
You are unable to be seen or heard.
You are unable to be present for the full duration of the course.
Not positively contributing towards the course.
You will also incur the cost of the course fee.
You must contact the Kent Driver Education Team by 15:00 on the next working day from the date of your course date to discuss your options Please email and provide your full name, a daytime contact number and your KDE reference number (which is found on the top left-hand corner of this email).
If no contact is made by yourself within this time your details will be returned to the referring Police Force and you will need to discuss your options with them directly. You will also incur the cost of the course fee.
For further information please read the Terms and Conditions for this course that were sent to you with your course confirmation details.
Yours sincerely
Kent Driver Education Team
Automatic reply: Booking Confirmation - KDE0137927
date: 2 Nov 2022, 18:11
subject: Automatic reply: Booking Confirmation - KDE0137927
Signed by:
security: Standard encryption (TLS) Learn more
: Important according to Google magic.
Kent County Council (KCC) would like to thank you for contacting us in relation to your Diversionary Schemes Course.
Please be advised that KCC will continue to deliver a majority of their course online using the digital platform Zoom for the following courses:
· National Speed Awareness Course
· National Motorway Awareness Course
· What's Driving Us Course
· Safe and Considerate Driving Course
To assist you in your preparation for the online digital course we strongly advise you review the YouTube video which includes how to access ZOOM and has some troubleshooting tips. The link is shown here
If you are booking a Safe and Considerate Driving course, please be advised that the course is currently in two sessions. The first part is an online digital course, and the second part is a practical course which will be arranged for you as long as it is safe to be in a vehicle with the Trainer. If you are unable to complete the practical element of the course due to covid restrictions, we will contact you after your theory course (part 1) to arrange an alternate date. If you need further information, please request a call via this email and a member of our team will be in contact with you shortly to discuss this with you.
All bookings can be made via the website. here
However, if you do not have any access to the internet, we may be able to offer you a physical course at a venue. These courses have very limited capacity and will be solely based on client requirements.
Some courses spaces will be shown on our website or you may email and provide your full name, contact number, course type (NSAC, NMAC,WDU,SCD) and the date you MUST complete your course by and we will contact you directly to discuss if we are able to book you onto a course at either Maidstone or Ashford.
The Rider Intervention Development Experience Course (RIDE) is currently not being offered. For further information please email or visit the NDORS website.
If you require assistance with a new booking, please call 03000 418282 or email the team on or if you wish to speak to our team, please call 03000 411554
For further information relating to all Diversionary Schemes courses, including and changes due to government requirements or bad weather please visit our website here as we updates the page regularly.
Kind Regards
Kent Driver Education Team
[Message clipped] View entire message
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Preview YouTube video Online Road Safety Training with Kent County Council
CLAIMS E35YM660 & J00ME5725
Shantanu Panigrahi <>
Central London DJSKEL County Court, Enquiries Medway County Court
Force Control Kent Police,,
AGO Correspondence
Thu, 10 Nov at 12:16
----- Forwarded message -----
From: Shantanu Panigrahi <>
To: Enquiries Medway County <>; Central London DJSKEL <>
Cc: <>; Force Control Kent <>
Sent: Thursday, 10 November 2022 at 12:12:21 GMT
Subject: CLAIMS E35YM660 & J00ME572
Central London County Court
Medway County Court
Attorney General
Dear Sirs
I had asked the local Police Force and associated authorities whether Kent Police was aware that I had booked the Speed Awareness Course on Wednesday 26 October 2022 before it decided to issue me with a deceitful email for a second time in two weeks (the first I had brought to the notice of the Court): Speeding Offence: Options of Speed Awareness Course or Payment of Fine (
Speeding Offence: Options of Speed Awareness Course or Payment of FineSpeeding Offence: Options of Speed Awareness Course or Payment of Fine3 Yahoo / Inbox Shantanu Panigrahi <shanta...
Instead of answering the most important question, it has sent me the following email this morning to separate out the wider Hate Crime that I have accused it of from this Hate Crime so that the two matters are not considered in the Single Hearing of the Courts concerned:
Notice of Intended Prosecution Number: 0463140442065920 (
Notice of Intended Prosecution Number: 0463140442065920Notice of Intended Prosecution Number: 0463140442065920 Yahoo / Inbox CPU Driver Diversion External Use Only Ken...
Meanwhile the CCMCC sent me an equally deceitful email as shown in the link here in order to protect the Attorney General who deceitfully intervened in my quite legitimate legal proceedings as Claimant in E35YM660 and J00ME572. RE: DEPUTY DISTRICT JUDGE HARVEY'S CCCMCC COURT ORDER AND DIRECTIONS UPDATE (
This is just for the record.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Tel: 07967789619
ToAishaGadaffi(ccmembersLibDemKentPolice(Reply Urgently)6Nov2022.docx14kB
L 021122 - Complaint Outcome.pdf 97.7kB
Thank you for contacting the Attorney General’s Office
Correspondence (AGO) <>
Shantanu Panigrahi
Thu, 10 Nov at 12:19
Thank you for contacting the Attorney General’s Office (AGO).
Please note the Attorney General provides legal advice to the government and is unable to give legal advice, assistance or support to individuals. The Attorney General does not have investigatory powers.
We strive to answer all correspondence that falls within the remit of the AGO within 20 days. However, we are unable to reply to matters that do not fall within the responsibility of the department.
Please note that, although the Attorney General superintends the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), Serious Fraud Office (SFO), and Government Legal Department (GLD), these departments are operationally independent and the Attorney General’s Office is unable to intervene in individual cases or comment on any active proceedings.
Unduly Lenient Sentence Referrals
If you have contacted our office regarding a sentence you feel is too low, please ensure you have provided us with all the information we require. Full details can be found at the following link:
If you are the victim in the case in question, or a close family member of the victim, you can expect to be informed of the outcome of your referral. Due to the large number of referrals we receive, we unfortunately cannot guarantee a response to referrals made by those without such a connection to the case.
Other Matters
If your correspondence is in relation to:
Coronavirus / COVID-19 issues – please refer to the regularly updated guidance at
Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) matters or complaints – please contact the CPS: or refer to the CPS complaints procedure:
Serious Fraud Office (SFO) matters or complaints – please contact the SFO: or refer to the SFO complaints procedure:
Government Legal Department (GLD) matters or complaints – please contact the GLD: or refer to the GLD complaints procedure:
Courts, judges or sentencing policy – please contact the Ministry of Justice:
Police – please contact the Home Office:
You may wish to redirect your correspondence to another department that has responsibility for the issue you have raised.
More information about the role of the AGO can be found at our website:
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Activity and use of departmental systems and the Criminal Justice Extranet is monitored to secure their effective operation and for other lawful business purposes. Communications using these systems will also be monitored and may be recorded to secure effective operation and for other lawful business purposes.
Central London DJSKEL <>
Shantanu Panigrahi
Thu, 10 Nov at 12:16
Thank You for your email message which is now in the judicial email inbox. This inbox is only viewed by judiciary and court staffs do not have access to this account. This auto response confirms that the message has arrived and will be dealt with in due course.
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ccmcce-filing <>
Shantanu Panigrahi
Thu, 10 Nov at 12:16
Thank you for your email which has been received by the County Court Money Claims Centre (CCMCC). This email is automatically generated; please don’t reply to this message.
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Please follow the attached guidance for filing documents electronically.
Processing Times
Details of processing and reply times for work at the County Court Money Claims Centre (Salford) and the County Court Business Centre (Northampton) can now be found here.
The information will be updated every Monday.
HMCTS promises to listen, to explain and to guide. Only you can tell us if we’re living up to this promise. So please take a few minutes to tell us about your experience using this link.
Praise – If you’ve any praise for the CCMCC or its staff we would love to hear from you, you can email us at
Complaint - If you’ve cause to complain you can do so online.
Alternatively, please email
You don’t need to resubmit feedback already submitted online.
Please allow 10 working days for your concerns to be investigated and a response provided. You can find further guidance on our complaints procedure on the Justice Website.
Court Forms
If you require any Court Forms please follow this link.
Court Finder
Should you need the contact details of another Court please follow this link.
CCMCC Telephone Enquiries - 0300 123 1372
Opening times
08:30 – 17:00 Monday – Thursday
08:30 – 16:00 Friday
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Download all attachments as a zip file
Advice Agencies.pdf 269.3kB
Sources of support.pdf 729.6kB
Request to Stop Issue - Customer Guidance.pdf 400.3kB
Email Guidance v6..pdf 510.3kB
Top tips for customers 2022 .docx 37.9kB