Telephone Call from PC Katie Fields of Kent Police
from: Shantanu Panigrahi <>
to: Ravina Karir <>
cc: Northkent <>,
maidstonecrowncourt <>,
Force Control Kent <>,
Rachel Gwilt <>
date: 17 May 2023, 15:15
subject: Fwd: Telephone Call from PC Katie Fields of Kent Police
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Shantanu Panigrahi <>
Date: Wed, 17 May 2023 at 15:07
Subject: Telephone Call from PC Katie Fields of Kent Police
To: Ravina Karir <>
Cc: Force Control Kent <>, Northkent <>, maidstonecrowncourt <>, Rachel Gwilt <>
Dear Ravina
In the past half an hour my Mobile Phone rang from a private number, and I did not answer it as I never answer calls from private numbers. A Voicemail was however left from a PC Katie Fields for me asking if was able to attend a voluntary interview on Monday next week at Gillingham Police Station or Maidstone Police Station; and that she will call again tomorrow to confirm the arrangement.
Please advise me if I should agree to this voluntary interview given that the matter is proceeding at Maidstone Crown Court as you are aware and Kent Police has not replied to the attached email: ToKentPoliceccMaidstoneCrnCrtNorthKentMagCrtRavinaOlivesSolicitors(Appeal at Maidstone Crown Court)17May 2023. The call is therefore a blatant interjection to terrorise me again and pervert the course of justice from my point of view.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Tel: 07967789619
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ToKentPoliceccMaidstoneCrnCrtNorthKentMagCrtRavinaOlivesSolicitors(Appeal at Maidstone Crown Court)17May 2023
Appeal at Maidstone Crown Court
from: Shantanu Panigrahi <>
to: Force Control Kent <>
cc: maidstonecrowncourt <>,
Northkent <>,
Ravina Karir <>
date: 17 May 2023, 08:06
subject: Appeal at Maidstone Crown Court
Kent Police
Dear Sirs
As the linked appeal proceedings indicate, Appeal: Full Written Reasons from Medway Magistrates Court Awaited ( I am in the middle of preparing my submission to Maidstone Crown Court on the Rejection of my application to Medway Magistrates Court that the Summons to Court is invalid in respect of the attached Notice received by me Notice of New Date of Hearing NKMC (1).docx.
Would you therefore kindly clarify:
(a) What this second case represents that is set out in the document from North Kent Magistrates Court:as follows:
Dr Shantanu PANIGRAHI 8 May 2023/ADNO_44_01/-12740/1.
(b) How do these proceedings relate to the Bail that I have been under for appearance at Medway Police Station on 18 June 2023, 5 pm as to whether it is now redundant.
(c) Does Kent Police still need the desk-top computer taken from us on 24 November 2022, and the three laptops taken subsequently with the four USB Memory Stick and the two Amazon tablets; or can these be returned to us so that I can get access to all my legal documentation to enable me to prepare my case of Appeal to the Judge.
In anticipation of a reply today by 5.00 pm today, I remain.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
United Kingdom
Tel: 07967789619
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Date of Hearing NKMC (1).docx:
North Kent Magistrates’ Court (1966)
Sitting at Medway Magistrates Court
ALL ENQUIRIES: PO BOX CH4, The Courthouse, The Brook, Chatham, ME4 4JZ
Tel: 01634 830232, Fas: 0870 324 0037 Email:
Office Opening Hours: 9.00am to 5pm, Monday to Friday
Case number: 0462300074226
Notice of new date of hearing
New date, time and place
The court has adjourned the cases listed below:
To 1 June 2023 at 10.00 am at Medway Magistrates’ Court, The Courthouse, POBx CH4, The Brook, Chatham, Kent, ME44JZ (telephone 01634 830232)
No one need attend on this date.
The matter has been adjourned because
1. If you wish to maintain your NG plea and attend for a trial as to whether you are guilty of speeding offence. If you accept the offence was committed by yourself, you may wish to plead guilty and request that the Magistrate’s deals with the case with the same level as a Fixed Penalty given the explanation you have put forward.
Iy you require the assistance of an interpreter at the next hearing you must inform the court promptly on receipt of this notice.
By Order of the Court
Justices’ Clerk
Date: 4 May 2023
On 05/10/2022 at Boxley om the county of Kent drove a motor vehicle, namely a FORD FIESTA TITANIUM TURBO – 5 DOOR SALOON Iindex GH17AZZW, on a road, namely A229 Chatham Road, subject to a local traffic order, namely The Kent Council (Various Roads, Maidstone) (Speed Limits) (Consolidation)Order 2020, at a speed exceeding 50 miles per hour.
Contrary to the above local traffic Order and sections 84 and 89(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and Schedule 2 to the Road Traffic Offenders Act 1988.
Dr Shantanu PANIGRAHI 8 May 2023/ADNO_44_01/-12740/1