Shantanu Panigrahi <>
Enquiries Kent Police, Force Control Kent Police
PCC Correspondence Kent, AGO Correspondence Attorney General,, Central London DJSKEL County Court, Enquiries Medway County Court, Eastkentmc, Northkent, maidstonecrowncourt,,
Civil Appeals – Registry,,,
Sat, 24 Dec at 15:53
Dear Sirs
1. Eight days have gone by, and I did not receive the response of the Driver Diversion Unit of Kent Police to the following (below) email. And neither have I received a response from VOPA to its communications to me as attached: ToMartyCaineSivajiPanesarNitinBhardwajEgregiousC(VOPA COMMUNICATIONS)22Dec2022.docx.
2. I need to get on with our family's life and as you are aware I have demanded an Apology with Compensation for the 25 years of persecution, terrorism, victimisation and defrauding of my financial rights from the State authorities. In this regard I am formulating the final structure of the Constitution of the Conservative Libertarian Party of the United Kingdom as shown here: Reverting to The Conservative Libertarian Party of the United Kingdom | The Conservative Lib (
3. I have appropriately brought the matter to the attention of the Conservative Party and the Prime Minister Mr Rishi Sunak as shown here:
Shantanu Panigrahi
theconservativelibertariansociety.comReverting to The Conservative Libertarian Party of the United Kingdom | The Conservative Lib
Rejoining the Conservative and Unionist Party of the United Kingdom | The Conservative Lib ( After a brief foray into the the Conservative and Unionist Party I...
8:25 PM · Dec 23, 2022
4. I am at this point in time wondering who in the United Kingdom will have the responsibility of authorising the Apology and Damages and Compensation due to me if this has been State-organised mental violence on me, whether the Central London County Court under Claim E35YM660, the Medway County Court under J00ME572, the Attorney General who seemingly established a Refraining Order on my quite unjustifiably, or the Prime Minister as the executive of the government under the Constitution that sets the Monarch as a figure-head who signs on the dotted line.
5. I would be grateful if you would look into the matter with urgency for, I have never been charged with any offence to the State notwithstanding that Kent Police continue to keep this matter of my arrest of 24 November 2021 and 23 November 2022 under review by virtue of the contents of the two documents that it released as attached: NorthKentPoliceReleasewithoutbail.pdf; kENT pOLICE cHARGE REFUSED sHANTANU pANIGRAHI.pdf. and the fact that Kent Police have retained the desk-top computer, Amazon Fire, Mobile Phone and USB Memory stick for over a year now in addition to not deleting the Biometric date on me collected on the two separate occasions a year apart that I was arrested.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
United Kingdom
Tel: 07967789619
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----- Forwarded message -----
From: <>
To: Shantanu Panigrahi <>
Sent: Saturday, 24 December 2022 at 15:23:20 GMT
Subject: Fw: Compromise on Speed Awareness Course/Fixed Penalty without Points on my Driving Licence
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
----- Forwarded message -----
From: "" <>
To: "Shantanu Panigrahi" <>
Sent: Sat, 24 Dec 2022 at 15:21
Subject: Fw: Compromise on Speed Awareness Course/Fixed Penalty without Points on my Driving Licence
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
----- Forwarded message -----
From: "Shantanu Panigrahi" <>
To: "Babu Shan Panigrahi" <>
Sent: Fri, 16 Dec 2022 at 12:12
Subject: Fw: Compromise on Speed Awareness Course/Fixed Penalty without Points on my Driving Licence
----- Forwarded message -----
From: Shantanu Panigrahi <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, 16 December 2022 at 12:09:51 GMT
Subject: Compromise on Speed Awareness Course/Fixed Penalty without Points on my Driving Licence
Driver Diversion
Kent Police
1. Please refer to the following linked correspondence:
Speed Awareness Course (
Speed Awareness Course
Speed Awareness Course Yahoo / Sent Shantanu Panigrahi <> To: driver.diversion@kent.p...
Conditional Offer of Fixed Penalty Number (
Conditional Offer of Fixed Penalty Number
Conditional Offer of Fixed Penalty Number 2 Yahoo / Sent Shantanu Panigrahi <> To: CP...
DORS+: Password successfully changed (
DORS+: Password successfully changed
DORS+: Password successfully changed from: Shantanu Panigrahi <> to: dri...
Update on Single Justice Procedure Notice: Speeding Offence of 5 Oct 2022 (Driver Dr Shantanu Panigr (
Update on Single Justice Procedure Notice: Speeding Offence of 5 Oct 202...
Update on Single Justice Procedure Notice: Speeding Offence of 5 Oct 2022 (Driver Dr Shantanu Panigrahi) Yahoo /...
Update on Speeding Offence: 5 October 2022 (
Update on Speeding Offence: 5 October 2022
Update on Speeding Offence: 5 October 2022 Yahoo / Sent Shantanu Panigrahi <> To: dri...
2. I noted last night that the £92 paid for the Speed Awareness Course has still not been returned to me.
3. Please book me on another Speed Awareness Course before 1 March 2023.
4. Otherwise, as a compromise and since the fault that generated the misunderstanding was Kent Police's non-acceptance of the delay that I needed due to legal matters pending, I am prepared to pay another £8 to make it up to £100 as the Fixed Penalty but without any points on my driving licence. Please let me know how this £8 should be made payable if this is the agreement reached.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Tel: 07967789619
Download all attachments as a zip file
ToMartyCaineSivajiPanesarNitinBhardwajEgregiosC(tVOPA COMMUNICATIONS)22Dec2022.docx 13kB
kENT pOLICE CHARGE REFUSED sHANTANU pANIGRAHI.pdf 1.6MB NorthKentPoliceReleasewithoutBail .pdf 1.2MB:
Thank you for contacting the Attorney General’s Office
Correspondence (AGO) <>
Shantanu Panigrahi
Sat, 24 Dec at 15:56
Thank you for contacting the Attorney General’s Office (AGO).
Please note the Attorney General provides legal advice to the government and is unable to give legal advice, assistance or support to individuals. The Attorney General does not have investigatory powers.
We strive to answer all correspondence that falls within the remit of the AGO within 20 days. However, we are unable to reply to matters that do not fall within the responsibility of the department.
Please note that, although the Attorney General superintends the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), Serious Fraud Office (SFO), and Government Legal Department (GLD), these departments are operationally independent and the Attorney General’s Office is unable to intervene in individual cases or comment on any active proceedings.
Unduly Lenient Sentence Referrals
If you have contacted our office regarding a sentence you feel is too low, please ensure you have provided us with all the information we require. Full details can be found at the following link:
If you are the victim in the case in question, or a close family member of the victim, you can expect to be informed of the outcome of your referral. Due to the large number of referrals we receive, we unfortunately cannot guarantee a response to referrals made by those without such a connection to the case.
Other Matters
If your correspondence is in relation to:
Coronavirus / COVID-19 issues – please refer to the regularly updated guidance at
Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) matters or complaints – please contact the CPS: or refer to the CPS complaints procedure:
Serious Fraud Office (SFO) matters or complaints – please contact the SFO: or refer to the SFO complaints procedure:
Government Legal Department (GLD) matters or complaints – please contact the GLD: or refer to the GLD complaints procedure:
Courts, judges or sentencing policy – please contact the Ministry of Justice:
Police – please contact the Home Office:
You may wish to redirect your correspondence to another department that has responsibility for the issue you have raised.
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Central London DJSKEL <>
Shantanu Panigrahi
Sat, 24 Dec at 15:54
Thank You for your email message which is now in the judicial email inbox. This inbox is only viewed by judiciary and court staffs do not have access to this account. This auto response confirms that the message has arrived and will be dealt with in due course.
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eastkentmc <>
Shantanu Panigrahi
Sat, 24 Dec at 15:54
Thank you for your email.
We have received your query and will ensure that the relevant person deals with it as soon as possible.
Please do not re-send your query, as this will not result in it being dealt with any sooner.
Please note: Court staff are not legally trained and so are unable to offer legal advice.
If you are uncertain how to proceed, information can be found at If you are in doubt it is best to seek professional legal advice from a solicitor or Citizens Advice Bureau.
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Here is how HMCTS uses personal data about you
Coronavirus (COVID-19): courts and tribunals planning and preparations
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Automatic reply: Compromise on Speed Awareness Course/Fixed Penalty without Points on my Driving Licence
maidstonecrowncourt <>
Shantanu Panigrahi
Sat, 24 Dec at 15:54
(This inbox is monitored between 9am to 5pm)
Thank you for contacting Maidstone Crown Court. This automated response confirms that we have received it, please do not chase with a phone call.
We will try to reply to your email within 10 working days. We may take longer to reply to you.
The Listing Team is currently working on the backlog of cases and a date will be provided in due course.
Any requests for hearings to be heard via CVP must be received before 1:30pm the day before the hearing.
Any requests for changes to the list must be made before 2:30pm the day before the hearing.
We have received your query and will ensure that the relevant person deals with it as soon as possible. Please do not re-send your query, as this will not result in it being dealt with any sooner.
Please refrain from sending emails to multiple accounts including personal email accounts this could result in your email being incorrectly distributed.
If your query is urgent, please call the Crown General Office on 01622 202000
Please Note:Court staff are not legally trained and so are unable yo give legal advice.
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Automatic reply: EXTERNAL - Fw: Compromise on Speed Awareness Course/Fixed Penalty without Points on my Driving Licence
CPU Driver Diversion External Use Only Kent <>
Shantanu Panigrahi
Sat, 24 Dec at 15:53
I can confirm we are in receipt of your email sent to
We are currently experiencing high volumes of emails, therefore please note that subsequent chase up emails to this inbox may result in a delayed response.
We do appreciate your patience and your email will be dealt with in due course, in the meantime please do NOT contact 101 as your query will be directed back to the Driver Diversion Team.
This email and any other accompanying document(s) contain information from Kent Police and/or Essex Police, which is confidential or privileged. The information is intended to be for the exclusive use of the individual(s) or bodies to whom it is addressed. The content, including any subsequent replies, could be disclosable if relating to a criminal investigation or civil proceedings. If you are not the intended recipient, be aware that any disclosure, copying, distribution or other use of the contents of this information is prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please notify us immediately by contacting the sender or telephoning Kent Police on 01622 690690 or Essex Police on 01245 491491, as appropriate. For further information regarding Kent Police’s or Essex Police’s use of personal data please go to or Additionally for our Terms and Conditions please go to or