We're updating our Terms and Community Standards
from: Shantanu Panigrahi <shanpanigrahi3000@gmail.com>
to: Instagram <security@mail.instagram.com>
date: 15 Nov 2024, 08:01
subject: Re: We're updating our Terms and Community Standards
mailed-by: gmail.com
Dear Instagram
Thank you for this valuable reference material.
Just to bring you up-To-date: I have thrown down the gauntlet on the State authorities: let us see if I have done anything wrong: https://www.thelibertariandemocrats.com/forum/diary-of-the-author/15-november-2024-6-59-am-uk-time
See how you go.
Take care
On Fri, 15 Nov 2024 at 07:43, Instagram <no-reply@mail.instagram.com> wrote:
The updated Terms will go into effect on 1 January 2025, and we've made our standards easier to find.
We're updating our Terms and Community Standards
Hi panigr3000,
We're updating our Terms and Community Standards. The updated Terms will go into effect on 1 January 2025, and we have made our standards easier to find.
What you should know
Community Standards
Our Community Standards describe what is and isn't allowed on our services.
We've brought the standards that apply across Facebook, Instagram, Messenger and Threads together in one place, making them easier for you to find.
Terms of Service
Our Terms explain what you can expect from us as you use our services, and what we expect from you as a user of our services.
We've made our Terms easier to understand by providing more information about certain existing policies and practices. This includes things such as clarifying that people or businesses may still be subject to our Terms when they are logged out or if they access our products without an account. We've also added links to our Terms for Avatars and AI, which apply if they're available in your region.
What this means for you
Our Terms have been updated to reflect these changes, and go into effect on 1 January 2025. By continuing to use our products or the services you receive after that date, you agree to the updated Terms.
Learn more about your options if you do not want to agree to the updated Terms.
Thank you for using our services,
Meta Platforms
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